Algorithms Used in C1-ADJUPLD

The following table lists the algorithms which are attached to the C1-ADJUPLD business object:

System Event Algorithm Algorithm Type Description
Information C1-FLREQ-INF C1-FLREQ-INF This algorithm formats the upload request information that appears throughout the system for the BO. The algorithm formats the information as follows: Upload Request type description, Status description, ID. This algorithm generates the upload request information string which appears throughout the application. This algorithm concatenates the following fields:
  • Upload Request Type Description

  • Upload Request Description

  • Upload Request ID

Validation C1-ADVALREQ C1-ADVALREQ This algorithm will be called from a business service and is responsible for validating the uploaded CSV file and identify if any records are invalid. The validations to be performed are mentioned below: 1. Mandatory column data checks 2. Check for valid values for account, match type, match value, adjustment type, adjustment characteristics type, currency and amount. 3. This algorithm will also call the match type algorithm linked to the request type to derive and validate the value for contract ID. This algorithm validates the uploaded CSV file and identifies invalid records, if any. The validations performed are as follows:
  • Validating mandatory column data

  • Validating values for account, match type, match value, adjustment type, adjustment characteristics type, currency and amount.

  • Invoke the match type algorithm linked to the request type to derive and validate the value for contract ID.

The following table lists the algorithms which are used in the lifecycle of the C1-ADJUPLD business object:

Status System Event Algorithm Algorithm Type Description
Draft - - - -
Cancelled - - - -
Create Adjustment Enter C1-ADJUPLDEF C1-ADJUPLDEF This algorithm will evaluate if request processing should be done in real time or deferred for offline processing. This will be invoked by the Enter Status algorithm when the Request object enters 'CREATE' or ''APPROVED' status. This algorithm evaluates and creates adjustment. It evaluates, if request should be processed in real time or deferred for offline processing. This algorithm is triggered by the Enter status algorithm when the request object is changed to Create or Approved status.
Deferred Monitor C1-ADJ-MNTR C1-ADJ-MNTR This algorithm will be invoked from the Upload Request Monitor batch. This will be responsible for BO transition from 'Deferred' to 'Creating' status. This algorithm is triggered from the Upload Request Monitor batch. This algorithm transitions the business object status from Deferred to Creating.
Pending for Approval Enter C1-ADJUPAPVL C1-ADJUPAPVL This algorithm will be responsible of creating To Do for the approver to approve or reject the uploaded file data. To Do will be created using the To Do Type linked to the request type to the approver(s) who are associated with the To Do Role linked to the request type. This will be invoked by the Enter Status algorithm when the Request object enters 'SUBMITTED - Pending For Approver' status. This algorithm creates the To Do using the To Do Type for the approver to approve or reject the uploaded file data. This To Do Type is linked to the request type to the approver(s) associated with the To Do Role linked to the request type. This algorithm is triggered by the Enter status algorithm when the request object enters Submitted - Pending For Approver status.
Approved Enter C1-ADJUPLDEF C1-ADJUPLDEF This algorithm will evaluate if request processing should be done in real time or deferred for offline processing. This will be invoked by the Enter Status algorithm when the Request object enters 'CREATE' or ''APPROVED' status. This algorithm evaluates if request should be processed in real time or deferred for offline processing. This algorithm is triggered by the Enter status algorithm when the request object is changed to Create or Approved status.
Rejected - - - -
Completed - - - -
Creating Adjustment Enter C1-ADJCRTION C1-ADJCRTION This algorithm is responsible for creating Adjustment for the uploaded file. The adjustment ID will be updated back in the request table to link the request with the adjustments. This algorithm creates an adjustment for the uploaded file. In addition, the adjustment ID is stamped on the adjustment and on the corresponding financial transaction.