File Request Format

Before uploading a XML file, you need to ensure that the XML file contains the following columns:

Tag Field Name Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
<request> Request Used to specify a list of information that will be transferred to the database.
Note: You can specify more than one request tag in the XML file.
<requestType> Request Type Used to specify the file request type object against which the uploaded file is processed in the ORMB system. Yes
<payload> Payload Used to specify the payload that is used for request processing.
<C1_​Person_​BO> C1_​Person_​BO Used to specify the service name or business object or service script for processing the file request type. Yes
Note: The File Request Type object has to be the same, irrespective of whether you are uploading a XML file or performing a batch upload. If there is any difference in the File Request Type of the XML and/or in the batch upload, the application will generate an error.