Generating a Batch Job for a Mass Pricing Update Request


To generate a batch job for a mass pricing update request:

  1. Search for the mass pricing update request in the Mass Pricing Update Request screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Request Information column corresponding to the mass pricing update request for which you want to submit a batch job.
    The Mass Pricing Update Request screen appears.
  3. Ensure that the Main tab is selected.
  4. Click the Submit Batch button in the Mass Pricing Update Request zone.

    A batch job is created using the C1-GENRQ batch control. While creating the batch job, it uses the values defined in the Thread Count and Thread Pool Name option types of the Mass Pricing Update (C1-MASPRI) feature configuration. In addition, a log is created for the mass pricing update request which indicates the batch job ID. Finally, the status of the mass pricing update request is changed to Running C1-GENRQ Batch.

    Note: The Submit Batch button appears when the mass pricing update request is in the Deferred Processing status.

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