ILM-Specific Option Types Available for Maintenance Object

The following table lists the ILM-specific option types which you can define for each maintenance object:

Option Type Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
ILM Crawler Batch Control Used to specify the batch control that you want to use to identify and mark the records which are eligible for archival.
Note: As we are supporting ILM implementation for the TFM and Billing modules, by default, the parameter value is defined for the C1-TFMTXNDTL, C1-TXNCALC, BILL, BILL CHARGE, and ADJUSTMENT maintenance objects.
Note: This data is required when you want to implement ILM for the maintenance object.
ILM Retention Period In Days Used to specify the number of days for which you want to retain the records which are created using the business objects of the maintenance object.
Note: This parameter value overrides the default retention period defined in the ILM master configuration.
ILM Restrict By Status Used to indicate whether you want to verify and mark records which are in a particular status. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N

If you set this parameter value to Y, you can use either the ILM Restrict By BO Final Status or Status Field option type to filter the records based on the status.

Note: By default, the parameter value is set to N.
Status Field Used to specify the field name (which is used to store the status) based on which you want to filter the records. No
ILM Final Status Field Value Used when you want to verify and mark the records which are in a particular status. No
ILM Restrict By BO Final Status Used to indicate whether you want to verify and mark the records which are in the status which is defined as final in the lifecycle of the business object. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N

Note: By default, the parameter value is set to N.