Rule Type

The Rule Type zone displays the details of the rule type. It contains the following sections:

  • Main - Displays basic information about the rule type. It contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description
    Rule Type Displays the rule type.
    Rule Type Usage Indicates whether the rule type is used for defining rule based auto pay instructions or for defining business rules for mapping transactions with the price items. The valid values are:
    • Line Item Eligibility

    • Mark Up/Mark Down Eligibility

    • Domestic Provider Eligibility

    • Auto Pay

    • File Upload Interface

    • Price Item Eligibility

    • Related Pricing Rule Type Eligibility

    Note: This field appears when the rule type usage is specified while defining the rule type.
    Description Displays the description of the rule type.
    Maximum Rule Count Indicates the maximum number of rules that can be defined when the rule based auto pay instruction is created using the rule type.
    Note: This field appears when the Rule Type Usage field is set to Auto Pay.
    Rule Type Category Indicates whether you want to create a field based or parameter based rule type. The valid values are:
    • Field Based

    • Parameter Based

    Note: This field appears when you select the Price Item Eligibility or Related Pricing Rule Type Eligibility option from the Rule Type Usage list while defining the rule type.
  • Input and Output Parameters - Lists the input and output parameters defined for the rule type. It contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Sequence Displays the sequence number of the input or output parameter.
    Field Indicates the field which is used as the input or output parameter.
    Parameter Indicates the parameter that you want to use as the input or output parameter.
    Rule Input/Output Indicates whether the field is used as input and/or output parameter while defining a business rule.
    Search Zone Indicates the search zone that is used for searching the field value while defining criteria for rule based auto pay instructions.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Zone screen appears where you can view the details of the zone.
  • Rule Criteria Characteristic Entities - This section contains the following column:

    Column Name Column Description
    Characteristic Entity Indicates the entity whose characteristics can be used while defining criteria for rule based auto pay instructions. The valid values are:
    • Adjustment

    • Billable Charge

    • Policy

    • Policy Plan

    • Price Item

  • Rule Criteria Derivation Algorithms - Lists the algorithms attached to the rule type. It contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Sequence Indicates the order in which the algorithm should be executed.
    Algorithm Indicates the algorithm attached to the rule type which derives the following from the financial transaction:
    • Values of all those fields (such as, policy number, plan number, or price item) which are selected in the rule type as the input and output parameters

    • Characteristics of all those entities which are selected in the rule type as the rule criteria characteristic entities

Note: The Rule Criteria Characteristic Entities and Rule Criteria Derivation Algorithms sections appear when the Rule Type Usage field is set to Auto Pay.

You can edit the details of the rule type by clicking the Edit link in the upper-right corner of this zone.

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