Viewing Effective Price Assignments of an Account

Note: This topic is not applicable for the health insurance business.


To view effective price assignments of an account, you should have:

  • Price items or price item bundles assigned to the account either directly or through the customer hierarchy


To view effective price assignments of an account:

  1. Search for the account in the Customer 360° View screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the Show Context Menu (The Context Menu Icon) icon corresponding to the account whose details you want to view.
    A menu appears.
  3. Click the Go To Effective Pricing menu option.
    The Pricing (Account) screen appears.
  4. View the pricing for price items or price item bundles assigned to the account (either directly or through the customer hierarchy) in the Effective Price Assignments for Account zone.
  5. Filter the effective price assignments of the account, if required.

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