CSV File Format for Uploading Geographic Rating Areas

Before uploading a geographic rating area file through the File Upload Interface utility, you need to ensure that the CSV file contains the following data:
Data Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
GEO_​RATING_​AREA Used to specify the geographic rating area. Yes
STATE Used to specify the state code which belongs to the geographical rating area. Yes
ZIP_​FROM Used to specify the zip code from where the geographic rating area begins. Yes
ZIP_​PLUS4_​FROM Used to specify the additional four digits after the zip code from where the geographic rating area begins. Yes
ZIP_​TO Used to specify the zip code till where the geographic rating area ends. Yes
ZIP_​PLUS4_​TO Used to specify the additional four digits after the zip code till where the geographic rating area ends. Yes
START_​DT Used to specify the date from when the geographic rating area is effective. Yes
END_​DT Used to specify the date till when the geographic rating area is effective. Yes
PLAN_​NBR Used to specify the plan number belonging to a particular geographical rating area. No
HEALTH_​PLAN_​CD Used to specify the health plan belonging to a particular geographical rating area. No
POLICY_​NBR Used to specify the policy number belonging to a particular geographical rating area. No
SOURCE_​SYSTEM Used to specify the source system from where the policy is originated. No
STATUS Used to indicate the status for the geographic rating area. The valid values are:
  • Active

  • Inactive


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