Uploading a Geographic Rating Area File in the CSV Format

To upload a geographic rating area file in the CSV format using the File Upload Interface utility, you need to do the following:

  • Define a file request type for uploading geographic rating area in the CSV format. To define a file request type:

    1. Click the Admin link in the Application toolbar.

      A list appears.

    2. From the Admin menu, select F and then click File Request Type.

      A sub-menu appears.

    3. Click the Add option from the File Request Type sub-menu.

      The File Request Type screen appears.

    4. Enter the file request type and description in the respective fields.

    5. Select the Data Transformation Required option.

      The File Format field is enabled.

    6. Select the Comma Separated Values option from the File Format list.

    7. Select the Upload and Process File Simultaneously option.

    8. Attach an algorithm created using the C1-FRTA algorithm type to the Data Transformation Algorithm field.

    9. In the Services section, enter the required sequence number.

    10. Select the Business Object option from the Service Type list.

    11. Enter the C1-GeoRatingArea business object or custom price item business object in the Service Name field.

    12. Select the Add or Update option from the Operation list depending on whether you want to create new geographic rating area details or edit the existing geographic rating area details using the file request type.

    13. In the Field Transformation section, specify the following details:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Sequence Used to indicate the data field in the CSV record which you want to upload in the system. Yes
      Field Name Used to indicate the field for which the data is uploaded in the system. Yes
      Map Field XPath Used to specify the XPath of the field where you want to store the data field from the CSV record. Yes
      Default Value Used to specify the default value for the field. No
    14. Click Save.

      The file request type is defined for uploading the geographic rating area in the CSV format.

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