Sample CSV Format for Uploading Geographic Rating Areas

Let us assume that a file request type with the below field transformation details is used for uploading the geographic rating area information in the system.

The following table illustrates the field transformation details used for uploading the geographic rating area information:
Sequence Field Name Map Field XPath
1 GEO_​RATING_​AREA C1-GeoRatingArea/geoRatingArea
2 STATE C1-GeoRatingArea/state
3 ZIP_​FROM C1-GeoRatingArea/zipFrom
4 ZIP_​PLUS4_​FROM C1-GeoRatingArea/zipPlus4From
5 ZIP_​TO C1-GeoRatingArea/zipTo
6 ZIP_​PLUS4_​TO C1-GeoRatingArea/zipPlus4To
7 START_​DT C1-GeoRatingArea/startDate
8 END_​DT C1-GeoRatingArea/endDate
9 PLAN_​NBR C1-GeoRatingArea/0/geoRatingAreaRelatedObject/planNumber
10 HEALTH_​PLAN_​CD C1-GeoRatingArea/0/geoRatingAreaRelatedObject/healthPlanCode
11 POLICY_​NBR C1-GeoRatingArea/0/geoRatingAreaRelatedObject/policyNumber
12 SOURCE_​SYSTEM_​CD C1-GeoRatingArea/0/geoRatingAreaRelatedObject/sourceSystem
13 STATUS C1-GeoRatingArea/boStatus

In such case, you need to ensure that the sample CSV file contains records with comma-separated values in the sequence as mentioned in the above table.

Sample CSV


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