Market Product, Offer, or Bundle View Request - Tags in XML Format

Note: We recommend you to refer the topics Market Product, Offer, or Bundle View Request in the XML Format and Market Product, Offer, or Bundle View Response in the XML Format in parallel while understanding the below mentioned tags. This will help you to understand how the tags are nested in the XML format.

Before calling the C1-GetProdDetail business service through an inbound web service, you need to ensure that the active market products, offers, or bundles view request contains the following tags:

Tag Name Tag Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
entityCode Used to specify the entity code to get details of the active entity.
Note: Entity is referred to market product, offer or bundle.
entityType Used to indicate the entity type to get details of the active entity.
Note: Entity is referred to market product, offer or bundle.
Note: This field is required if the entity code is entered.
processDate Used to specify the date to get the effective market product, offer, or bundle for that date. Yes(Conditional)
Note: If the date is not entered then it will display the default date from the system on which the enquiry is made.
inquiryTypeFlag Used to indicate whether you want to view the basic details without price components or the complete details with price components of the entity. The valid values are:
  • Detail (DETL) - Used to indicate whether you want to view the complete details with price components of the entity.
  • Summary (SMRY) - Used to indicate whether you want to view the basic details without price components of the product.
Note: The default value is SMRY.
division Used to indicate the division to which the entity belongs. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required with product code, product category, entity type or entity code to extract the entity of the specific division.

The following table lists and describes the tags which appear in the view active market products, offers, or bundles derivation response XML format:

Tag Name Tag Description
entityName Displays the entity name.
entityStartDate Displays the date from when the entity is effective.
entityEndDate Displays the date till when the entity is effective.
termsAndCondition Displays the terms and condition of the entity.
status Displays the status of the entity.
termsAndCondnDescr Displays the description of the terms and conditions of the entity.
messageCategory Indicates the category of the message.
messageNumber Indicates the number of the message.
messageText Displays the message.
longDescription Displays the long description.
productlist Displays the list of the eligible product to which the requested entity belongs.
productCode Used to display the code of the parent product.
productName Used to display the parent product.
prodTypFlg Displays the code of the eligible product to which the requested entity belongs.
productCategoryFlgDesc Displays the description of the eligible product category flag to which the requested entity belongs.
EntityDivision Used to indicate the division of the requested entity.
divisionCode Displays the division to which the requested entity belongs.
productLinkedEntity Displays the list of eligible market product, offer, and bundle.
linkedEntityCode Displays the linked entity code for the requested entity code.
linkedEntityName Displays the linked entity for the requested entity code.
linkedEntityType Displays the linked entity type for the requested entity code.
eligibilityDetails Indicates the name of group tag.
eligibilityDescription Displays the description of the eligibility to which the requested entity belongs.
eligibilityStartDate Displays the date from when the eligibility of the entity is effective.
eligibilityEndDate Displays the date till when the eligibility of the entity is effective.
eligibilityRule This is group tag under the eligibility details.
rhsPriceParmCd Indicates the right side parameter code of the eligibility condition.
rhsPriceParmVal Indicates the right side parameter value of the eligibility condition.
lhsPriceParmCd Indicates the left side parameter code of the eligibility condition.
rhsPriceParmTypeFlg Indicates the value of the right side flag.
trueFlag Indicates the true condition.
trueFlagDescr Displays the description for the true flag condition.
falseFlag Indicates the false condition.
falseFlagDescr Displays the description for the false flag condition.
insufficientFlag Indicates the insufficient condition.
insufficientFlagDescr Displays the description for the insufficient flag condition.
eligibilityRuleFlg Indicates the eligibility rule flag condition.
eligibilityDescr Displays the description of the eligibility criteria for the input entity.
operator Indicates the operator to evaluate the condition.
priceParmCode Displays the price parameter code.
sequenceNumber Displays the sequence number of the eligibility condition.
pricing Displays the price of the requested entity.
priceListId Displays the price list ID.
priceListDescription Displays the description of the Price List.
priority Displays the priority in sequence of the price list of the entity.
validityFlag Indicates the validity of the price item.
noOfDays Displays the validity of price list in number of days.
priceItemCode Displays the price item code.
priceitemCodeDescr Displays the description of the price item.
priceAsgnId Displays the price assignment ID.
priceListStartDate Displays the date from when the price list of the entity is effective.
priceListEndDate Displays the date till when the price list of the entity is effective.
priceComponent Indicates the name of group tag.
priceCompId Displays the price component ID.
priceCompDescr Displays the description of the price component.
valueAmt Displays the value amount of the price component.
tieredFlag Indicates the tire flag.
pricecomptier Indicates the name of group tag.
priceItemParmGroupId Displays the parameter group ID of the price item.
toVal Indicates the tiering to value of the price item.
fromVal Indicates the tiering from value of the price item.
timeOfUse Indicates the tiering time of use.
priceCompPriceItem Displays the price component of the price item.
priceCriteria Displays the price criteria of the price item.
priceCompTierId Displays the price component tier ID.
tieringSeqNum Indicates the tiering sequence number.
parmString Indicates the parameter string of the price item.

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