Market Product, Offer, or Bundle View Response in the JSON Format

The following code snippet illustrates how the attribute/value pairs should be structured while sending the market product, offer, or bundle view response in the JSON format:

        "entityCode": "",
        "entityType": "",
        "processDate": "",
        "inquiryTypeFlag": "",
        "division": "",
        "entityName": "",
        "entityStartDate": "",
        "entityEndDate": "",
        "termsAndCondition": "",
        "status": "",
        "termsAndCondnDescr": "",
        "messageCategory": "",
        "messageNumber": "",
        "messageText": "",
        "longDescription": "",
            "productCode": "",
            "productName": "",
            "prodTypFlg": "",
            "productCategoryFlgDesc": "",
            "divisionCode": "",
        "productLinkedEntity type": 
            "linkedEntityCode": "",
            "linkedEntityName": "",
            "linkedEntityType": "",
            "eligibilityDescription": "",
            "eligibilityStartDate": "",
            "eligibilityEndDate": "",
                "rhsPriceParmCd": "",
                "rhsPriceParmVal": "",
                "lhsPriceParmCd": "",
                "rhsPriceParmTypeFlg": "",
                "trueFlag": "",
                "trueFlagDescr": "",
                "falseFlag": "",
                "falseFlagDescr": "",
                "insufficientFlag": "",
                "insufficientFlagDescr": "",
                "eligibilityRuleFlg": "",
                "eligibilityDescr": "",
                "operator": "",
                "priceParmCode": "",
                "sequenceNumber": "",
            "serviceCd": "",
            "serviceName": "",
            "mandatoryFlag": "",
            "priceListId": "",
            "priceListDescription": "",
            "priority": "",
            "validityFlag": "",
            "noOfDays": "",
            "priceItemCode": "",
            "priceitemCodeDescr": "",
            "priceAsgnId": "",
            "priceListStartDate": "",
            "priceListEndDate": "",
                "priceCompId": "",
                "priceCompDescr": "",
                "valueAmt": "",
                "tieredFlag": "",
                    "priceItemParmGroupId": "",
                    "toVal": "",
                    "fromVal": "",
                    "timeOfUse": "",
                    "priceCompPriceItem": "",
                    "priceCriteria": "",
                    "priceCompTierId": "",
                    "tieringSeqNum": "",
                    "parmString": "",

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