Propose Price and Volume

The Propose Price and Volume zone allows you to propose or modify the volume and/or pricing for the price items associated with a price list/product/price item pricing. You can either increase or decrease the volume and/or pricing of the price items. Once an update is proposed in the volume and/or pricing of the price item, you can simulate the respective price list. It contains the following sections:

  • Filters - This section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description
    Price List ID Indicates the price list whose details you want to simulate.
    Product Used to search a product with a particular description.
    Simulation Period Used to specify the period which is back calculated from the system date to fetch the validity for the proposed pricing. The valid values are:
    • 1 month

    • 3 months

    • 6 months

    • 12 months

    • 36 months

    Note: By default, the 12 months option is selected.
  • Simulation Details - Used to propose or modify the volume and/or pricing for the price items associated with a price list, product, or price item hierarchy. It contains the following columns:

    Field Name Field Description
    Description Used to specify the description of the price list simulation version.
    Detailed Description Used to specify the additional information about the price list simulation.
    Simulation Currency Used to specify the currency in which you want to calculate the simulation results of the price list.
    Note: If the simulation currency is different from the pricing currency, the system does the currency conversion.
    Mass Volume Update Used to update the mass commitments in percentage which is applicable for the entire price list. You can slide the range slider in the backward or forward direction in order to increase or decrease the volume respectively.
    Note: You can exclude a price item of the price list, product, or price item hierarchy from the Mass Volume Update by selecting the Exclude checkbox corresponding to the respective price item.
    Mass Price Update Used to update the mass pricing of the price items in percentage which is applicable for the entire price list. You can slide the range slider in the backward or forward direction in order to increase or decrease the pricing respectively.
    Note: You can exclude a price item of the price list, product, or price item hierarchy from the Mass Price Update by selecting the Exclude checkbox corresponding to the respective price item.
    Total Affected Accounts Displays the total number of affected price items or products associated with a particular account for which you want to perform the simulation.
    SQI Indicates the SQI associated with the price item pricing.
    Pricing Information Displays the concatenated string consisting of the pricing information such as rate component, pricing type and pricing currency which are separated by a comma (,) for the price list.
    Note: This link appears when you expand the respective price item. It has a link. On clicking the link, the Rate Component Tree screen appears where you can view the pricing structure details of the respective price item.
    Actual Volume Displays the actual commitments of the price item for a particular account.
    Actual Average Unit Price Displays the actual average price charged for each unit of a price item. It is represented by the following formula:

    Actual Average Unit Price = Actual Revenue / Actual Volume

    Actual Revenue Displays the revenue generated through the actual price item pricing and actual volume of a price item.
    Proposed Volume Displays the proposed commitments of the price item for a particular account.
    Proposed Average Unit Price Displays the proposed average price charged for each unit of a price item.

    Proposed Average Unit Price = Proposed Revenue / Proposed Volume

    Exclude Simulation Used to specify whether you want to exclude a price item of a price list, product, or a price item hierarchy from the mass volume and/or pricing update.

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