Viewing the Price Lists, Persons, or Accounts where a Price Item is Assigned

Note: This topic is not applicable for the health insurance business.


To view the price lists, persons, or accounts where a price item or price item bundle is assigned:

  1. Search for the price item or price item bundle in the Price Item screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the View (The View Icon) icon in the Price Item Assigned To column corresponding to the price item or price item bundle whose assignment details you want to view.
    The Price Item Assignments screen appears.
  3. View the price lists where the pricing is defined for the price item or price item bundle in the Active Price Lists where Price Item is Assigned zone.
  4. View the accounts for which the pricing is defined for the price item or price item bundle in the Accounts where Price Item is Assigned zone.
  5. View the persons for whom the pricing is defined for the price item or price item bundle in the Persons to whom Price Item is Assigned zone.

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Persons to whom Price Item is Assigned zone Persons to whom Price Item is Assigned