View Log Messages

Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services generates log files containing messages that record all types of events, including startup and shutdown information, errors, warning messages, access information on HTTP requests, and additional information.

This chapter describes how to view and manage log files to assist in monitoring system activity and in diagnosing system problems such as:

  • Error in the Data Replication process

  • Error in the Enrollment Callout process

  • Error in the HICAPS claims

  • if any activity fails

View Log Messages using the API

To view and analyze application log data, send the following request with query parameters:

The logdynamiclogiceventsAPI access restriction is necessary for users to view DYLO logs, and the logapplicationeventsAPI access restriction is necessary for users to view APP logs. To view both logs, the user must have access to both APIs.

HTTP Method


Base URL




Request Query Example
Query Parameters Description


Specify the types of log files that are generated in Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services. Possible values are ALL, DYLO, and APP.


Specify the name of the Oracle Health Insurance application. Possible values are All, oig, capitation, claims, policies, and authorizations.


Specify the starting date and time for the desired log range in yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM format.


Specify the end date and time for the desired log range in yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM format.


Specify the index or position of the first log items.


Specify the range of data to retrieve. The minimum record limit is 5.

Response Example

The response returns detailed information about the actions performed by Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services users. This log message also contains detailed event data including source app version, instance type, source app, execution id, ohi Level, component, uuid, and error message.

The following snippet shows an example of Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services APP log:

"sourceappversion": "",
        "instancetype": "<instancetype>",
        "sourceapp": "policies",
        "executionid": "<unique execution id>",
        "executiontype": "RequestTrace",
        "arguments": {},
        "markers": {},
        "ohiLevel": "ERROR",
        "component": "policies",
        "uuid": "unique uuid",
        "type": "APP",
        "weight": 11443
        "timestamp": "2023-09-26T12:16:26.871+02:00",
        "message": "OHI-DYLO-007: Groovy Exception 'java.lang.Exception: The number 1 was less than 2' for DynamicLogic EXCEPTIONDYLO\n\nDynamic logic EXCEPTIONDYLO:\n1: def
                    US = lookUp(Country.class, [code: 'US']) \n2:  if (n < 2) {\n3: *ERROR* -->  throw new Exception(\"The number ${n} was less than 2\")\n4: }
                    \n\nDynamic logic TUEXCEPTIONDYLO:\n1:
                    *ERROR* -->  def result = test( \"EXCEPTIONDYLO\", , [n:1]) log.error(\"good result:\"+result)\n2:
                     return true;\n\n", &quo...
Timestamps are formatted in ISO-8601 format. In the absence of an offset in the timestamp, the browser offset is used.

View Log Messages using the UI

Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services (OHI CS) Log Message Viewer User Interfaces (UI) enable users to filter and analyze all available log data.

By running a query or connecting to a live WebSocket, users can search for all available live logs and previously generated data.

The current OHI CS Log Message Viewer User interface is in its primitive version.

View Live Log Messages

Log messages for active sessions of the specific components are displayed by connecting to a WebSocket.

To view live log data for Oracle Health Insurance components using the OHI CS Log Message Viewer, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the OHI CS Log Message Viewer by browsing https://<environment-host>/<app-deployment-name>/logging/ui/

  2. Click the Connect button in the upper left corner of the page.

The live log is generated in the visualization pane. Minimum five (5) records will be returned.

View Previous Log Messages

To view previously generated log data for Oracle Health Insurance components using the OHI CS Log Message Viewer, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the OHI CS Log Message Viewer by browsing https://<environment-host>/<app-deployment-name>/logging/ui/

  2. Click the Query that is situated in the upper left corner of the page.

  3. From the Component drop-down, select the desired component.

  4. To view all log files, click ALL.

  5. From the Type drop-down list, select the types of logs. Possible values are: APP and DYLO.

  6. Select the From Date and Till Date fields on which you want to view the log messages.

  7. Enter the index or position of the first log items.

  8. Enter the count to retrieve the desired number of rows. The minimum number of records to be queried is 5.

  9. Click Submit to view the messages.

  10. Error messages with the following information are displayed in the visualization pane. Select raw or trace links to view detailed log file contents.

It is recommended for the user to generate a new query token every time they attempt to connect to a WebSocket.
Parameters Description


The time frame of the logs, spanning from the start to the end in the yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM format.


The name of the Oracle Health Insurance application. Possible values are All, oig, capitation, claims, policies, and authorizations.


The types of log file that are generated in Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services. Possible values are DYLO and APP.


Severity level of the log. For example, Error.


Object that is used to log messages for a specific system or application component.


Displays the error message.

Log Retention Policy

Log retention policies determine when log files must be cleaned when they reach a threshold.

By default, DYLO and APP logs are retained for a maximum of 48 hours and have a maximum size limit of 3 GB. Once the log collection reaches 3 GB, the oldest logs are discarded. Log storage is temporary and not guaranteed to persist during the two-day retention period.