Request an Index

The Oracle Health Insurance applications store the dynamic fields together with the base objects that define them. By default, the dynamic fields are not indexed.

Some queries often use and access dynamic fields. In such cases, creating a database index for a dynamic field is beneficial to ensure a more efficient access path to the data.

If you believe an index is beneficial for your use case, then submit a support request with the answers to the following questions. These answers will allow Oracle to assess the use case and determine whether an index is beneficial for this use case.

Sl.No. Question Example of answer


Entity Name



Estimated number of rows in this table



Dynamic field name



Description of field contents

This field is used to record alternate (colloquial) names of diagnoses


Examples of values

Swimmers Ear, pink eye, sore throat


Percentage of rows that have a value for this field



How is this field used for search?

The field is used in the Claims screen to search for a diagnosis, e.g. as %ear%


On which environment can this be tested?


An index is not always beneficial for a specific use case. The sample use cases provided above can lead to an assessment that an index is not useful. Here, the searches are performed using a substring (with a leading %) and case insensitivity is required.

So, indexing is more appropriate in situations where the value is unique and the search starts with the leading part of the value or the entire value.

Collect the Information

To collect the information required to request an index, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Oracle Health Insurance application.

  2. Click Configuration and then under Extensibility, select Usage.

  3. Now, find the Field Usage Name using the search option for which you want to request an index.