Onboard an Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services Environment

The implementation of Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services involves creating a new cloud account, associating the identity domain, setting a bootstrap user account, and user access.

This section provides you with the necessary steps to configure Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services for the first time ever.

Create and Activate an Oracle Cloud Account

If you are a first-time user of Oracle Cloud, you need to create and activate your Cloud account using the activation email.

To know more about how to activate an account from the email link, refer to Getting Started with Oracle Cloud Applications. During activation, the account name and administrator details for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure need to be provided.

Once the Oracle Cloud Account is activated, Identity Domains is provisioned and Identity Domain Administrator is created. The Identity Domain Administrator is responsible for adding additional users to the Identity Domain. For more information, see Identity Domain.

You can also delegate the user management responsibilities to others by granting the User Administrator role. For more information, see the Oracle Cloud IAM documentation.

Linking OHI SaaS environments to Identity Domains

Each environment of Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services environment must have an Identity Domain associated with it. The Identity Domain provides the login to the Oracle Health Insurance applications. Also, multiple Identity Domains can co-exist in the same customer tenancy.

During the provisioning process, Identity Domain is linked to a specific Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services environment. Environments can be re-associated with a different Identity Domain upon request.

Initial Setup of the Bootstrap User Account

By default, each instance of Oracle Health Insurance is pre-configured with a single user called oica_setup that is granted the SETUP_ACCESS_ROLE in Oracle Health Insurance Access Role.

An IDCS administrator is required to provision oica_setup user within the Identity Domain.

To know how to create users, see Managing Users in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.

The login name of the bootstrap user account must be set to oica_setup or OICA_SETUP.

The username must be different from the email address. This is achieved by clearing Use the email address as the user name option.

The oica_setup user is then used to provision one or more users within the Oracle Health Insurance components as required. These users can also have one or more roles assigned to them through the Oracle Health Insurance Provisioning API.

For more information, refer to API Access to obtain the required Oauth2 access token.

Once initial user and role provisioning activities are complete, Oracle strongly recommends deactivating the oica_setup account in the identity domain and use named accounts going forward.