Step 1: Run the Checkpoint Operation

A checkpoint is an export of a given component state at an instance in time. It does not include instances-specific information for example OHI_PROPERTIES, user defined credentials, but it does include provisioned users.

You can create the checkpoint of an environment with the most recent configuration by running the following steps:

The schema is updated automatically as the best effort, but there is a chance it will fail when cloning across different major versions. In case of a failed clone, please submit a Service Request.

Create a Checkpoint

To create a checkpoint, submit the following POST requests:

HTTP Method


Base URL




Request Body Example
"<name>": <value>

Here, the request body is a free-to-choose string value that you can replace with an appropriate name and value. For example, "pol_test".

The final name of the checkpoint is appended with the version of the application and the creation date as per the following format:

“CheckpointName"_"ApplicationVersion"-"CreationDate(YYYYMMDD)”. For example, pol_3.

Response Example

The successful creation of a checkpoint returns a 200 OK response with the following response body:

    "uuid": "<uuid>",
    "requestType": "checkpoint",
    "status": "<statusType>",
    "requestInfo": "{<request_Information>}",
    "createdBy": "<user_name>",
    "createdAt": "2022-05-31T06:04:18.39486333Z",
    "updatedBy": null,
    "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-05-31T06:04:18.394870245Z",
    "confirm": "https://<app-deployment-name>/console/workRequest/confirm/{uuid}",
    "cancel": "https://<app-deployment-name>/console/workRequest/cancel/{uuid}"

The following table describes the property of the response body:

Property Description


A unique character name that represents a type 4 UUID. It serves as the primary key for the document.


Type of the request.


Status of the checkpoint. The options are:
New: Returns if the checkpoint is newly created.
Confirmed: Returns if the checkpoint is in-progress state.
Completed: Returns if the operation is completed.
Canceled: Returns if a user cancels the operation.
Expired: Returns if created checkpoint is expired.
Error: Returns if there is an error in the operation.


Type of the information request.


Subject field or GUID of the user who took the checkpoint.


Instant in time when the checkpoint export is completed.


Subject field or GUID of the user who updated the checkpoint.


Instant in time when the checkpoint export is updated.


Returns the URL. Clicking on this URL allows you to confirm the checkpoint operation.


Returns the URL. Clicking on this URL allows you to cancel the checkpoint operation.

Error Response

Besides, the 2OO responses this endpoint can return the 4xx responses when any other checkpoint operation is in-progress.

Confirm the Checkpoint

To confirm the checkpoint and save the configuration, submit the following GET request with the appropriate UUID:

HTTP Method


Base URL




Here, replace {uuid} with uuid value that is returned by POST http://<app-deployment-name>/workRequest/create/checkPoint.

Response Example
    "uuid": "<uuid>",
    "requestType": "checkpoint",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "requestInfo": "{<requestType>}",
    "createdBy": "<user_name>",
    "createdAt": "2022-05-17T06:02:14.908Z",
    "updatedBy": null,
    "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-05-17T06:16:54.409Z",
    "confirm": null,
    "cancel": null

You can also confirm the work request by clicking on the Confirm URL returned in the POST http://<app-deployment-name>/workRequest/create/checkpoint response body. It redirects you to the GET request body and then sends the request.

Cancel the Work Request

You can cancel the operation within ten minutes by sending the following GET request with the appropriate UUID:

HTTP Method


Base URL




Here, replace {uuid} with the uuid Value that is returned by POST http://<app-deployment-name>/workRequest/create/checkPoint.

Response Example
    "uuid": "<uuid>",
    "requestType": "checkpoint",
    "status": "CANCELED",
    "requestInfo": "{<requestInfo>}",
    "createdBy": "<user_name>",
    "createdAt": "2022-05-17T06:02:14.908Z",
    "updatedBy": null,
    "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-05-17T06:16:54.409Z",
    "confirm": null,
    "cancel": null

You can also cancel the work request by clicking on the cancel URL returned in the POST http://<app-deployment-name>/workRequest/create/checkpoint response body. It redirects you to the GET request body and then sends the request.

List Checkpoints

To retrieve all the available checkpoints for all components in a given service instance, submit the following GET request:

HTTP Method


Base URL




Response Example


In the response body, the checkpoint name is appended with the version of the application and the creation date as per the following rule: "CheckpointName"_"ApplicationVersion"-"CreationDate(YYYYMMDD)"

Also, if there are four instances of claims in a customer service instance, then checkpoints for all instances of claims are listed here.