The software described in this documentation is either in Extended Support or Sustaining Support. See for more information.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade the software described by this documentation as soon as possible.

7.3 About Discretionary and Mandatory Access Control Policies

Traditional Linux security is based on a Discretionary Access Control (DAC) policy, which provides minimal protection from broken software or from malware that is running as a normal user or as root. Access to files and devices is based solely on user identity and ownership. Malware or broken software can do anything with files and resources that the user that started the process can do. If the user is root or the application is setuid or setgid to root, the process can have root-access control over the entire file system.

The National Security Agency created Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) to provide a finer-grained level of control over files, processes, users and applications in the Linux operating system. The SELinux enhancement to the Linux kernel implements the Mandatory Access Control (MAC) policy, which allows you to define a security policy that provides granular permissions for all users, programs, processes, files, and devices. The kernel's access control decisions are based on all the security relevant information available, and not solely on the authenticated user identity.

The features of SELinux enable an organization to define and implement a security policy on an Oracle Linux system. A security policy is the set of rules and practices that help protect information and other resources, such as computer hardware, at your site. Typically, security rules handle such issues as who has access to which information or who is allowed to write data to removable media. Security practices are recommended procedures for performing tasks.

When security-relevant access occurs, such as when a process attempts to open a file, SELinux intercepts the operation in the kernel. If a MAC policy rule allows the operation, it continues; otherwise, SELinux blocks the operation and returns an error to the process. The kernel checks and enforces DAC policy rules before MAC rules, so it does not check SELinux policy rules if DAC rules have already denied access to a resource.

SELinux should normally run in Enforcing mode where the kernel denies access to users and programs unless permitted by SELinux security policy rules. All denial messages are logged as AVC (Access Vector Cache) denials. If SELinux runs in Permissive mode, the kernel does not enforce security policy rules but SELinux sends denial messages to a log file. This allows you to see what actions would have been denied if SELinux were running in enforcing mode. This mode is intended to used for diagnosing the behavior of SELinux. If you disable SELinux, the kernel uses only DAC rules for access control.