The software described in this documentation is either in Extended Support or Sustaining Support. See for more information.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade the software described by this documentation as soon as possible.

10.2 About Oracle Enterprise Manager

The Oracle Enterprise Manager family of products provide a complete, integrated enterprise cloud management solution for deploying, operating, testing and monitoring systems and for diagnosing and resolving problems in complex IT environments. By leveraging the built-in management capabilities of the Oracle stack for traditional and cloud environments, Oracle Enterprise Manager allows you to achieve unprecedented efficiency gains and dramatically increase service levels.

The key capabilities of Enterprise Manager include:

  • A complete cloud life-cycle management solution that allows you to quickly set up, manage and support enterprise clouds, and traditional Oracle IT environments from applications to disk.

  • Maximum return on IT management investment by providing the best solutions for intelligent management of the Oracle stack and engineered systems through real-time integration of Oracle’s knowledge base with your IT environment.

  • Best service levels for traditional and cloud applications through business-driven application management.

For more information, see