
Title and Copyright Information


What's New?

Who's Who

Part I Getting Started

1 Introduction to WebCenter Portal

2 Exploring WebCenter Portal

3 Searching for Information

4 Managing Your Favorites

5 Setting Your Personal Preferences

6 Managing Your Profile

7 Using WebCenter Portal Impersonation

Part II Working with Portals and Pages

8 Working In the Home Portal

9 Creating and Managing Personal Pages

10 Exploring Portals

Part III Connecting and Collaborating with Other Users

11 Managing Your Contacts

12 Using Instant Messaging and Presence Viewer

13 Sending and Viewing Mail

14 Working with Feedback and the Message Board

15 Liking, Commenting On, and Sharing Items in WebCenter Portal

16 Viewing and Participating in Discussions

17 Working with Wikis

18 Working with Blogs

Part IV Working with Documents

19 Creating and Managing Documents

20 Collaborating on Documents

21 Working with Microsoft Office and Explorer Integration

Part V Staying Informed

22 Getting Notified When Things Change

23 Exploring Recommendations and Content

24 Tracking Portal Activities

25 Working with Announcements

26 Working with Polls

27 Monitoring RSS Feeds

28 Exploring Your Worklists

Part VI Staying Organized

29 Working with Calendars and Events

30 Managing Your Notes

31 Working with Lists

32 Linking Information in WebCenter Portal

33 Working with Tags