You can destroy all ATG Content Administration, ATG Business Control Center, ATG Portal, and ATG Adaptive Scenario Engine tables with the following global script:


For information on the individual scripts used to destroy the tables for the ATG Adaptive Scenario Engine and ATG Portal, see the discussion on destroying database tables in the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide. If your product suite includes any ATG applications, refer to your application’s manual to locate its destroy scripts.

ATG Content Administration Database Drop Scripts

The drop_bizui_all_ddl.sql script executes the following individual subscripts in order to destroy the database tables for ATG Content Administration. A copy of each subscript is located in the <ATG2007.3dir>/Publishing/base/sql/unistall/dbvendor directory for the appropriate database.

File Name



Destroys the tables for storing media for ATG Content Administration.


Destroys the tables for the ATG Content Administration repository, which holds processes and process types.


Destroys the tables for the extensions to the user profile specifically for ATG Content Administration.


Destroys the tables for the /atg/epub/file/PublishingFileRepository, the versioned repository that is provided out-of-the-box for the following types of file assets: ATG Scenario Personalization assets (scenarios, targeters, slots, and so on), text file assets, and binary file assets.


Destroys the tables for the /atg/epub/process/ProcessDataRepository, the versioned repository that is provided out-of-the-box for storing information about ATG Content Administration processes.


Destroys the tables for storing versioning information.


Destroys the tables for the workflow portion of the ATG Content Administration repository.

ATG Business Control Center Database Drop Scripts

The drop_bizui_all_ddl.sql script executes drop_viewmapping_ddl.sql to destroy the database tables used by the ATG Business Control Center. A copy of this script exists in the <ATG2007.3dir>/BIZUI/sql/uninstall/dbvendor directory.

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