The /atg/epub/PublishingRepository is the standard unversioned repository that stores all items required by ATG Content Administration—by default, processes and projects.

ATG Content Administration is configured to access the PublishingRepository through a Secured Repository Adapter instance, /atg/epub/SecuredPublishingRepository, which is configured on top of the PublishingRepository. The SecuredPublishingRepository uses a custom security policy that is implemented by the /atg/dynamo/security/PublishingSecurityPolicy component. This policy grants all users who are assigned the role specified in /atg/epub/Configuration.superAdminRole full access to the PublishingRepository.

The following table summarizes the security defined for the PublishingRepository item descriptors. You can also refer to the secured repository definition file, which is located at <ATG2007.3dir>/Publishing/base/config/atg/epub/publishingSecurity.xml.

Note that an item descriptor’s descriptoracl defines the ACL for the item descriptor. Its creationbaseacl defines the default ACL for a new item of the item descriptor type.

For an explanation of each access right specified below, see the Secured Repositories chapter in the ATG Repository Guide.

Item descriptor




EPub-Admin role: read, write, create, delete

EPub-Manager role: read, write, create, delete

EPub-User role: read, write, create, delete

ACC administrators-group: read, write, create, delete



EPub-Admin role: read, write, create, delete

EPub-Manager role: read, write, create, delete

EPub-User role: read, write, create, delete

ACC administrators-group: read, write, create, delete


The publishingSecurity.xml file also defines the aclproperty for the process and project item descriptors. The name of this property is acl.

You should modify item descriptor-level security of the PublishingRepository during development because it requires that you manually modify publishingSecurity.xml and restart the application that includes ATG Content Administration for the changes to take effect.

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