Property view mappings identify the propertyView to use to render a specific property. They can also be used to specify the propertyView to use to render a component property when the property type is a collection. As described earlier in Overview of the View Mapping System, property view mappings are frequently used to override attributes of propertyViews in cases where the default attribute is not appropriate for the context.

The propertyViewMapping item descriptor is defined as follows in ViewMapping.xml:

<item-descriptor name="propertyViewMapping" id-space-names="viewmapping"
    display-property="description" query-cache-size="300">
    <table name="vmap_pvm" type="primary" id-column-name="id">
      <property name="id" data-type="string"/>
      <property name="description"/>
      <property name="propertyView" column-name="pview_id"
      <property name="componentPropertyView" column-name="cpview_id"

    <!-- attributeValues property -->
    <table name="vmap_attrval_rel" type="multi" id-column-name="mapper_id"
      <property name="attributeValues" column-name="attribute_id"
        data-type="map" component-item-type="attributeValue"

    <!-- componentAttributeValues property -->
    <table name="vmap_cattrval_rel" type="multi"
      id-column-name="mapper_id" multi-column-name="name">
      <property name="componentAttributeValues" column-name="attribute_id"
        data-type="map" component-item-type="attributeValue"

Property view mappings have the following key properties:




Display name for this item


Optional reference to a propertyView item


Optional reference to a propertyView item for component properties (if this mapping refers to a collection type)


Optional key/value pairs that affect the propertyView. For more information, see View Mapping Attributes.


Optional key/value pairs that affect the componentPropertyView

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