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man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 1

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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

wxBrush (3erl)


wxBrush - Functions for wxBrush class


Please see following description for synopsis


wxBrush(3)                 Erlang Module Definition                 wxBrush(3)

       wxBrush - Functions for wxBrush class

       A brush is a drawing tool for filling in areas. It is used for painting
       the background of rectangles, ellipses, etc. It  has  a  colour  and  a

       On  a  monochrome  display, wxWidgets shows all brushes as white unless
       the colour is really black.

       Do not initialize objects on the stack before  the  program  commences,
       since  other required structures may not have been set up yet. Instead,
       define global pointers to objects and create them in wxApp::OnInit (not
       implemented in wx) or when required.

       An  application  may wish to create brushes with different characteris-
       tics dynamically, and there is the consequent danger that a large  num-
       ber  of duplicate brushes will be created. Therefore an application may
       wish to get a pointer to a brush by using the global  list  of  brushes
       ?wxTheBrushList,  and  calling the member function wxBrushList::FindOr-
       CreateBrush() (not implemented in wx).

       This class uses reference counting and copy-on-write internally so that
       assignments between two instances of this class are very cheap. You can
       therefore use actual objects instead  of  pointers  without  efficiency
       problems.  If  an  instance of this class is changed it will create its
       own data internally so that other instances,  which  previously  shared
       the data using the reference counting, are not affected.

       Predefined objects (include wx.hrl):

       See: wxBrushList (not implemented in wx), wxDC, wxDC:setBrush/2

       wxWidgets docs: wxBrush

       wxBrush() = wx:wx_object()

       new() -> wxBrush()

              Default constructor.

              The  brush will be uninitialised, and wxBrush:isOk/1 will return

       new(Colour) -> wxBrush()

       new(Brush) -> wxBrush()


                 Brush = wxBrush:wxBrush() | wxBitmap:wxBitmap()

              Copy constructor, uses reference counting.

       new(Colour, Options :: [Option]) -> wxBrush()


                 Colour = wx:wx_colour()
                 Option = {style, wx:wx_enum()}

              Constructs a brush from a colour object and style.

       destroy(This :: wxBrush()) -> ok


              See overview_refcount_destruct for more info.

              Remark: Although all remaining  brushes  are  deleted  when  the
              application  exits,  the  application should try to clean up all
              brushes itself. This is  because  wxWidgets  cannot  know  if  a
              pointer  to  the  brush  object is stored in an application data
              structure, and there is a risk of double deletion.

       getColour(This) -> wx:wx_colour4()


                 This = wxBrush()

              Returns a reference to the brush colour.

              See: setColour/4

       getStipple(This) -> wxBitmap:wxBitmap()


                 This = wxBrush()

              Gets a pointer to the stipple bitmap.

              If the brush does not have a  wxBRUSHSTYLE_STIPPLE  style,  this
              bitmap  may  be non-NULL but uninitialised (i.e. wxBitmap:isOk/1
              returns false).

              See: setStipple/2

       getStyle(This) -> wx:wx_enum()


                 This = wxBrush()

              Returns the brush style, one of the ?wxBrushStyle values.

              See: setStyle/2, setColour/4, setStipple/2

       isHatch(This) -> boolean()


                 This = wxBrush()

              Returns true if the style of the brush is any of hatched fills.

              See: getStyle/1

       isOk(This) -> boolean()


                 This = wxBrush()

              Returns true if the brush is initialised.

              Notice that an uninitialized brush object can't be  queried  for
              any brush properties and all calls to the accessor methods on it
              will result in an assert failure.

       setColour(This, Colour) -> ok


                 This = wxBrush()
                 Colour = wx:wx_colour()

              Sets the brush colour using red, green and blue values.

              See: getColour/1

       setColour(This, Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 This = wxBrush()
                 Red = Green = Blue = integer()

       setStipple(This, Bitmap) -> ok


                 This = wxBrush()
                 Bitmap = wxBitmap:wxBitmap()

              Sets the stipple bitmap.

              Remark: The style will be set  to  wxBRUSHSTYLE_STIPPLE,  unless
              the  bitmap has a mask associated to it, in which case the style
              will be set to wxBRUSHSTYLE_STIPPLE_MASK_OPAQUE.

              See: wxBitmap

       setStyle(This, Style) -> ok


                 This = wxBrush()
                 Style = wx:wx_enum()

              Sets the brush style.

              See: getStyle/1

wxWidgets team.                    wx 2.1.1                         wxBrush(3)