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Product Overview
Introducing BEA Tuxedo
BEA Tuxedo ATMI Core Components
BEA Tuxedo CORBA Components
BEA Tuxedo Web-Accessible Services
BEA Tuxedo Product Support and Resources
Getting Started with CORBA
Overview of the BEA Tuxedo CORBA
The BEA Tuxedo CORBA Programming
Developing BEA Tuxedo CORBA
Using Security
Using Transactions

Introducing BEA Tuxedo ATMI
BEA Tuxedo System Fundamentals
BEA Tuxedo ATMI Architecture
BEA Tuxedo System Administration
   and Server Processes
BEA Tuxedo Management Tools

CORBA Sample Applications
Simpapp Sample Application

Guide to the CORBA University
Sample Applications
Setting Up Your Environment
Basic Sample
Security Sample
Transactions Sample
Wrapper Sample
Production Sample

CORBA Technical Articles
CORBA Programming Model
CORBA Objects
Process-Entity Design Pattern
Client Data Caching Design Pattern
ATMI Tutorials
Developing a BEA Tuxedo Application
Tutorial for simpapp, a Simple
   C Application
Tutorial for bankapp, a Full C Application
Tutorial for CSIMPAPP, a Simple
   COBOL Application
Tutorial for STOCKAPP, a Full
   COBOL Application
Tutorial for XMLSTOCKAPP
Tutorial for xmlfmlapp, a Full C XML/FML32
   Conversion Application

Interoperability and Coexistence
Interoperability with BEA WebLogic Server

Upgrading the BEA Tuxedo Software to Release 9.0
Migrating Your Application

Platform Data Sheets

Deprecated Features
Deprecated Features in BEA Tuxedo 8.1 (not supported in Tuxedo 9.0)

CORBA Programming

Creating CORBA Server Applications
All CORBA Server Topics
Server Application Concepts
Steps for Creating a CORBA Server
Designing and Implementing a Basic
   CORBA Server Application
Creating Multithreaded CORBA
   Server Applications
Security and CORBA Server
Integrating Transactions into a CORBA
   Server Application
Wrapping a BEA TUXEDO Service
   in a CORBA Object
Scaling a CORBA Server Applicatoin

Creating CORBA Client Applications
All CORBA Client Application Topics
Client Application Development Concepts
Creating CORBA Client Applications
Using the Dynamic Invocation
Handling Exceptions

Server-to-Server Communication
All Server-to-Server Communication Topics
Understanding Server-to-Server
Developing C++ Joint Client/Server
Java Joint Client/Server
Request-Level Interceptors
All Request-Level Interceptor Topics
Developing CORBA Interceptors
Deploying CORBA Interceptors
PersonQuery Sample Application
InterceptorSimp Sample Interceptors
InterceptorSec Sample Interceptors
InterceptorData Sample Interceptors
Request-Level Interceptor API
Starter Interceptor Files

Notification Service
All Notification Topics
CORBA Notification Service API Reference
Using the BEA Simple Events API
Using the CosNotification Service API
Building the Introductory Sample Application
Building the Advanced Sample Application
CORBA Notification Service Administration
Using Security in CORBA Applications
All Security Topics
Overview of CORBA Security Features
Introduction to the SSL Technology
Fundamentals of CORBA Security
Managing Public Key Security
Configuring Link-Level Encryption
Configuring the SSL Protocol
Configuring Authentication
Configuring Security Plug-ins
Writing a CORBA Application That    Implements Security
Building and Running the CORBA Sample Applications
CORBA Security APIs
Security Modules
C++ Security Reference
Java Security Reference
Automation Security Reference

All Transaction Topics
Introducing Transactions
Transaction Service
Transactions in CORBA Server Applications
Transactions in CORBA Client Applications
Administering Transactions

ATMI Programming
C Programming
Programming Environment
Managing Typed Buffers
Writing Clients
Writing Servers
Writing Request/Response Clients and Servers
Writing Conversational Clients and Servers
Writing Event-Based Clients and Servers
Writing Global Transactions
Programming Multithreaded and Multicontexted ATMI Applications
Managing Errors

COBOL Programming
Programming Environment
Managing Typed Records
Writing Clients
Writing Servers
Writing Request/Response Clients and Servers
Writing Conversational Clients and Servers
Writing Event-Based Clients and Servers
Writing Global Transactions
Programming a Multithreaded and Multicontexted ATMI Application
Managing Errors
COBOL Language Bindings for the Workstation Component
FML Programming
FML and VIEWS Features
Setting Up Your Environment for FML and VIEWS
Defining and Using Fields
Field Manipulation Functions
FML and VIEWS Examples
FML Error Messages

/Q Component
C Language Programming
COBOL Language Programming
Sample Application

Workstation Component
Using the Workstation Component
Using Workstation on a Windows System
Bringing Up bankapp on Workstations

Using Security in ATMI Applications
Introducing ATMI Security
Administering Security
Programming Security
Implementing Single Point Security Administration

Using BEA Tuxedo ATMI on Windows
Using BEA Tuxedo ATMI on Windows
Configuring BEA Tuxedo ATMI on Windows 2000
Using the Visual C++ IDE to Develop BEA Tuxedo ATMI Applications


Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application
Administrative Tasks and Tools
About the
   Configuration File
Creating the
   Configuration File
About Transactions
Configuring Your ATMI Application to Use Transactions
Managing the Service Metadata Repository
Managing CORBA Interface
Distributing ATMI
   Applications Across a Network
Creating the Configuration File for a Distributed ATMI
Setting Up the Network for a
   Distributed Application
About Workstation Clients
Setting Up Workstation
Managing Remote CORBA
   Client Applications

Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time
Starting Up and Shutting Down
   an Application
Monitoring Your Application
Dynamically Modifying
   an Application
Managing the Network in a
   Distributed Application
About the EventBroker
Subscribing to Events
Migrating Your Application
Tuning an ATMI Application

Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component
About Domains
Planning and Configuring
   ATMI Domains
Planning and Configuring
   CORBA Domains
Administering Domains

Scaling, Distributing, and Tuning CORBA Applications
Scaling CORBA Applications
Scaling CORBA Server Applications
Distributing CORBA Applications
Tuning CORBA Applications

CORBA Programming Reference
OMG IDL Syntax and the C++ IDL Compiler
Implementation Configuration File (ICF)
TP Framework
CORBA Bootstrapping Programming Reference
FactoryFinder Interface
Security Service
Transactions Service
Notification Service
Request-Level Interceptors
CORBA Interface Repository Interfaces
Joint Client/Servers
Development Commands
Mapping of OMG IDL Statements to C++
Server-side Mapping

Command Reference

ATMI COBOL Function Reference

ATMI C Function Reference

ATMI FML Function Reference

File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference

BEA Jolt Javadoc

XML Parser API Documentation

.NET Wrapper API Documentation

System Messages



BEA Jolt

Using BEA Jolt
Introducing BEA Jolt
Bulk Loading Tuxedo Services
Configuring BEA Jolt
Using the Jolt Repository Editor
Using the Jolt Class Library
Using JoltBeans
Using Servlet Connectivity
BEA Jolt Exceptions
BEA Jolt System Messages

Using BEA Jolt with BEA WebLogic Server
Configuring Jolt for WebLogic Server
Implementing Jolt for WebLogic
Class Hierarchy
Simple Servlet Example
Servlet with Enterprise JavaBean Example

SNMP Agent Administration Guide
BEA SNMP Agent Introduction
BEA SNMP Agent Architectural Models
Setting Up BEA SNMP Agent on a Managed Node
Integrating BEA SNMP Agent with a Management Framework
Setting Up the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator
Using Multiple SNMP Agents
Using the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator for Polling
BEA SNMP Agent Integrator Commands
Configuration Files
SNMP Information

SNMP Agent MIB Reference
Core MIB
Domains MIB
BEA Domain List MIB
CORBA Interface MIB
Access Control List MIB
Workstation MIB
Application Queue MIB
EventBroker MIB
Traps MIB