The Commerce Service Center page is divided into two sections:

Global Context Area - The global context area appears at the top of the page, and contains information on current customers, current orders, and current ticket.

Work area - This region is used to display tabs that are specific the task you perform. The work area also contains a Utilities window on the right panel, which contains various tools that are available according to the task you are performing.




Use the Customers tab to work the customer profiles. A customer profile is a summary of a customer’s login, billing, and address information. It also includes information about the customer’s activity on your site, such as the customer’s order history.


The Tasks tab contains a list of the tasks that have been assigned to you. You use the task tab to work on your tickets.


The Commerce tab allows you to create and modify orders, view the product catalogs and work with the customer information.


The Ticketing task area provides you with the ability to track customer and agent activities in records called tickets. Most of the tasks initiated in this area launch the Ticketing UI, which provides tools for viewing, editing, and managing tickets. The Ticketing UI is described in the ATG Ticketing Guide for Business Users.


The Respond tab allows you to communicate with others.

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