As discussed in Template Pages, subcategories are displayed using the store.war/browse/subcategory.jsp template. If a subcategory has child categories, the page displays featured products from those child categories; if a subcategory contains child products, the page displays a listing of the child products. In the latter case, the page also includes a drop-down menu for specifying the criterion to use for sorting:

This illustration is described in the surrounding text.

The sorting options drop-down menu is rendered by the store.war/global/gadgets/sortDisplay.jsp gadget. The sorting logic itself is implemented using /atg/store/sort/RangeSortDroplet (of class, which is a Commerce Reference Store-specific subclass of the atg.droplet.Range servlet bean). RangeSortDroplet is called by store.war/productjson/categorySearchJson.jsp (if JavaScript is enabled) or by store.war/global/gadgets/productListRange.jsp (if JavaScript is disabled).

If Search is available, the menu of sorting options also appears on pages that display search results. These include the Search Results page itself (store.war/atgsearch/searchResults.jsp), as well as category and subcategory pages after a customer selects a facet. In these cases, the sorting options are implemented through Search. See Displaying Search Results for more information.