When a customer enters a free-text search query, Commerce Reference Store displays the Search Results page, store.war/atgsearch/searchResults.jsp:

This illustration is described in the surrounding text.

This page displays a listing of the products returned by Search, and includes facets and selections for further refinement of the results. It also includes a drop-down menu of sorting options. This menu is rendered by store.war/global/gadgets/sortDisplay.jsp, and is identical in appearance and behavior to the menu that appears when a customer navigates to a subcategory containing child products. However, because the products shown are returned from a search rather than through catalog navigation, the sorting options are implemented through Search rather than by the RangeSortDroplet servlet bean. See Sorting Options for information about this servlet bean.

Search results are also displayed on the top-level category and subcategory pages after a customer selects a facet value. So, for example, if a customer navigates to a subcategory containing child products, products are initially displayed by repository lookup, and the sorting options are implemented by RangeSortDroplet. If the customer then selects a facet value, Commerce Reference Store re-renders the page; the products shown are now search results, and the sorting options are now implemented through Search. The visual design of the page does not change, so this difference is not apparent to the customer.