Error message translations are contained in a number of files. You can create a copy of the default error message files and edit them for your chosen language. See Error Message Translations for details on where you can find the default error message files.

Note: These changes will not appear until after you rebuild and redeploy the ATGProduction.ear file, which is the last step in this process and is described in Redeploying the ATGProduction.ear File.

To add translations for error messages:

  1. In the <ATG10dir>/home/locallib directory, create the following error message property files, replacing <code> in the filenames with a two-letter, lower-case language code as defined by ISO 639. For our example, replace <code> with the Italian language code it.

    • /atg/commerce/catalog/comparison/UserMessages_<code>.properties

    • /atg/commerce/gifts/UserMessages_<code>.properties

    • /atg/commerce/order/UserMessages_<code>.properties

    • /atg/commerce/order/purchase/PurchaseProcessResources_<code>.properties

    • /atg/commerce/order/purchase/UserMessages_<code>.properties

    • /atg/commerce/profile/UserMessages_<code>.properties

    • /atg/commerce/promotion/PromotionResources_<code>.properties

    • /atg/commerce/util/CountryStateResources_<code>.properties

    • /atg/payment/creditcard/CreditCardResources_<code>.properties

    • /atg/projects/store/catalog/EmailAFriendResources_<code>.properties

    • /atg/projects/store/inventory/UserMessage_<code>.properties

    • /atg/service/email/UserMessages_<code>.properties

    • /atg/userprofiling/ProfileUserResources_<code>.properties

  2. Edit the property files so that the resource values contain your localized error messages and save the files.