Commerce Reference Store is configured with a single ATG Search project, which has a content label of Catalog. This content label is associated with one content set, ATG Multi-Site Catalog, which represents the Commerce catalog repository.

In the Site Administration utility, ATG Multi-Site Catalog is associated with each of the Commerce Reference Store sites. The configuration for each site looks like this:

This illustration is described in the preceding text.

The content label and target type for queries are set using the contentLabels and targetType properties of the /atg/commerce/search/catalog/QueryRequest component. Commerce Reference Store uses the default setting for these properties:


The /atg/search/routing/DynamicTargetGenerator component determines the search environment, based on the values of contentLabels and targetType. In addition, it uses the /atg/search/routing/command/search/DynamicTargetSpecifier component to determine the sites that the query should apply to, and uses this information to configure the /atg/search/routing/command/search/MultisiteConstraint component with the appropriate site constraint. The constraint ensures that the query returns only those XHTML documents that contain meta tags for the appropriate sites.