Commerce Reference Store pages can incorporate links to Click to Call. When a customer clicks one of these links, a popup window prompts for the customer’s phone number. When the phone number is submitted, Click to Call initiates a call between a Commerce Service Center agent and the customer, and displays the customer’s order information and profile on the agent’s desktop.

To access Click to Call, you need an Oracle Live Help On Demand account. You use this account to configure rules that control where links are placed and when and how they are displayed. Commerce Reference Store includes a sample read-only Click to Call account that is preconfigured to work with the Commerce Reference Store sites to demonstrate Click to Call functionality. When you configure Commerce Reference Store using CIM and include the Click to Call integration, you are given the option of selecting this account. If you do, CIM sets the accountId property of the /atg/clicktoconnect/Configuration component to the ID of the sample account.

Note that if you build your own site based on Commerce Reference Store and want to use Click to Call, you need to obtain a Click to Call account and use it to configure the rules for your site. You must also set properties of the /atg/clicktoconnect/Configuration component for your site to use your account.

To use Commerce Reference Store with Click to Call, include the DCS.ClickToConnect module in your storefront EAR file. For example, the command to assemble the storefront EAR file might be:

runAssembler ATGStore.ear –m Store.Storefront DCS.ClickToConnect

When a customer accesses a Commerce Reference Store page, Click to Call links are rendered through the following process: