When the Commerce Reference Store catalog is indexed, the item prices are read from the price lists and used to construct meta tags in the XHTML documents. A separate meta tag is created for each price list, and the property name in the tag identifies the price list the tag is associated with. The Commerce property accessor /atg/commerce/search/PriceListMapPropertyAccessor is used to read the prices from the price lists, to get the values to include in the meta tags.

The Store.Search.Index module specifies this property accessor by adding the following line to the XML definition file of the /atg/commerce/search/ProductCatalogOutputConfig component:

<property name="price" type="float"
      is-non-repository-property="true" />

The XHTML output for a product might look like this:

<meta name="atg:float:childSKUs.price@salePrices" content="5.99" />
<meta name="atg:float:childSKUs.price@listPrices" content="7.99" />