When the atgsvcs.js script executes (after the HTML page loads) and sends the information in the clickstream code to Oracle Recommendations, it also sends the information from the container <div> about the product recommendations to be returned. Oracle Recommendations returns a response containing data about the products to display, and executes renderer JavaScript code that manipulates the DOM of the page to alter the HTML to display the recommendations. For example, the following is a portion of the HTML created by the renderer on the Home Accents top-level category page to create the Top Sellers display:

<div id="cs-recslot-category" class="cs-slot" style="display: block;">
  <div id="atg_store_prodList">
  <h3>Top Sellers</h3>
  <ul id="atg_store_product" class="atg_store_product">
     <li id="cs-rec-cs_recslot_categoryxprod2089" class="cs-rec odd first">
     <a href="/crs/storeus/browse/productDetailSingleSku.jsp?productId=xprod2089">
       <span class="atg_store_productImage">
       <img src="/crsdocroot/content/images/products/medium/
         HOME_PotbellyBottle_medium.jpg" alt="Potbelly Bottle">
      <span class="atg_store_productTitle">Potbelly Bottle</span>
      <span class="atg_store_productPrice">$14.00</span>

For more information about Oracle Recommendations, see the Oracle web site (www.oracle.com).