The Commerce Reference Store catalog uses separate price lists for list prices and sale prices. Every product has a list price, which is used if the product does not have a sale price. If a product has a sale price, the sale price overrides the list price. These price lists are assigned to a user profile using the profile’s priceList and salePriceList properties. These properties are typically set as follows:


As discussed in the ATG Search Administration Guide, there are three key aspects to working with price lists in Search:

  • Because prices in price lists are not stored in properties of the product or SKU, Commerce Reference Store uses the price metadata property created by the Commerce component /atg/commerce/search/PriceListPropertyProvider to represent the price data stored in price lists.

  • The XHTML document created for each product includes the list price and, if there is one, the sale price.

  • The search client determines the logic for selecting which price to use, and specifies this logic in the query.