To add translations for repository items, you must create a series of corresponding <baseType>Translation items, as described in Repository Item Translations. You add these items through the Business Control Center.

To add translations for repository items:

  1. From the project types list at the top of the page, choose Merchandising.

  2. Follow the instructions below for the type of item you want to add translations to.

    To add translations for categories, products, and SKUs:

    • Click the arrow next to Site Catalogs.

    • Click the arrow next to the site whose catalog you want to add translations to. In this example, click the arrow next to ATG Store Italy.

    • Continue to navigate down into the site’s catalog until you arrive at the item you want to add translations to, and then double-click the item to see its properties in the pane on the right.

    • Click the Advanced tab.

    • Click the Translations table to activate the Translations options.

    • Click the plus sign to see the New [Item] Translation options.

    • Enter translations for the item properties that support translated data.

      Note: You may have to scroll down to see all the properties that support translations.

    • Click Create, and then enter a two-letter language code as defined by ISO 639 in the Key column to identify the translations; for example, for Italian enter it.

    • Click Save.

    • Repeat these steps to add additional translations for other languages.

    To add translations for promotions:

    • Return to the Merchandising home page.

    • Click the arrow next to Promotion & Coupons, and then click the arrow next to Promotions.

    • Double-click a promotion.

    • On the General tab, click the Translations table to activate the Translations options.

    • Click the plus sign to see the New Promotion Translation options.

    • Enter translations for the item properties that support translated data.

    • Click Create, and then enter a two-letter language code as defined by ISO 639 in the Key column to identify the translations; for example, for Italian enter it.

    • Click Save.

    • Repeat these steps to add additional translations for other languages.

    To add translations for store text:

    • Return to the Merchandising home page.

    • Click the arrow next to Store Text.

    • Double-click a store text item.

    • If the item contains a list of text resources, click the display name for a resource to see its editor.

    • Click the Translation table to activate the Translations options.

    • Click the plus sign and choose New Short Resource Text Translation if your resource is 256 characters or less. Otherwise, choose New Long Resource Text Translation. The New Resource Text Translation options appear.

    • Enter a translation for the store text item.

    • Click Create, and then enter a two-letter language code as defined by ISO 639 in the Key column to identify the translation; for example, for Italian enter it.

    • Click Save.

    • Repeat these steps to add additional translations for other languages.

    To add translations for SEO tags:

    • From the project types list at the top of the page, choose SEO tags.

    • Select a tag.

    • In the Presentation section, click Add New.

    • In the Key field, enter a two-letter language code as defined by ISO 639; for example, for Italian enter it.

    • Click Next.

    • Enter a description, a display name, a comma-separated list of keywords, and a title in the language of your choice.

    • Click Create & Close.

After you have added translations, you can deploy your project to the ATGProduction server, using the instructions below:

  1. From the project types list at the top of the page, choose Home to return to the BCC home page.

  2. In the To Do List area, choose Projects I Created from the Show menu.

  3. Click Go to Project for the ItalianSiteAndTranslations project.

  4. For the Author task, select the Ready for Review action and click Go.

  5. Optionally, enter a note for this task. Click OK.

  6. For the Content Review task, select the Approve Content action and click Go.

  7. Optionally, enter a note for this task. Click OK.

  8. For the Approve for Production Deployment task, select the Approve and Deploy to Production action and click Go.

  9. Optionally, enter a note for this task. Click OK.

  10. Refresh the Business Control Center window until you can see the Actions menu for the Verify Production Deployment task.

  11. For the Verify Production Deployment task, select the Accept Production Deployment action and click Go.

  12. Optionally, enter a note for this task. Click OK.