To enable Fluoroscope, include the Store.Fluoroscope module in your storefront EAR file. For example, the command to assemble the EAR file might be:

runAssembler ATGStore.ear –m Store.Storefront Store.Fluoroscope

Fluoroscope works through sensors, which detect specific elements (e.g., a scenario action or a servlet bean) encountered in a JSP when rendering an HTML page. These sensors fire events that are detected by event listeners, which then insert data from the events into the HTML markup for the page. The Commerce Reference Store Fluoroscope UI provides tools for examining this data.

Commerce Reference Store makes four Fluoroscope sensors available:

Limitations: Fluoroscope is a development tool that should be used only in a development environment. Do not include the Store.Fluoroscope module in a production environment, as it has a significant impact on performance.

Fluoroscope requires Internet Explorer 9 or Firefox, with JavaScript enabled. Do not use Internet Explorer 9 in Compatibility View.