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Sun Flash Accelerator F40 PCIe Card

User's Guide

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Sun Flash Accelerator F40 PCIe Card Overview

Card Overview

About the Sun Flash Accelerator F40 PCIe Card

Key Features

Card Hardware Components

Card Software and Firmware Components

Card LEDs

Card Specifications

Physical Dimensions

Environmental Specifications

Electrical Specifications

Preparing the Card for Installation

Required Tools

Ship Kit Contents

Observing Safety Precautions

General Safety Information

Safety Symbols

ESD Safety Measures

Perform ESD Prevention Measures

Update the Host Operating System

Installing the Card

Installation Overview

Installing the Card Into a Server

Card Optimization Guidelines

Install a New Card

Remove an Existing Card From a Server

Servicing the Card

Service Overview

Update the Card Software

Update the Card Firmware

Technical Support

Servicing the Card Using the ddcli Utility

Accessing the ddcli Utility

Access Text Menu Interface in ddcli Utility

Access Command Line Interface (CLI) in ddcli Utility

Verify Card Status

ddcli Utility Command Summary

List All Command

List Command

Update Flash Package Command

Health Reporting Command

Locate Card Command

Format Card Command

Show the Vital Product Data Command

Extract SMART Logs Command

Help Command

Troubleshooting Using Card LEDs

Error Messages

Exception Handling

Firmware Exception Error Messages

Reason Codes


Health Reporting Command

The -health command shows the overall health status of a selected card and its components. If any alert exists, this command shows the component that is causing the alert, along with further information. Use the -health command to verify firmware versions before and after firmware updates.

Text Menu Interface Usage: The following top-level menu lists the cards in the system and prompts you to select a card on which to perform an operation. Two Sun Flash Accelerator F40 PCIe Cards are shown in the following example:

# ddcli
ID    WarpDrive     Package Version    PCI Address
--    ---------     ---------------    -----------
1     ELP-4x100-4d-n        00:02:00:00
2     ELP-4x100-4d-n        00:03:00:00
Select the WarpDrive [1-2 or 0:Quit]: 1
1.    List WarpDrive Information
2.    Update Flash Package
3.    Display WarpDrive Health
4.    Locate WarpDrive
5.    Format WarpDrive
6.    Show Vital Product Data
7.    Extract SMART Logs
Select Operation [1-7 or 0:Quit]: 3

Command Line Interface Usage: Enter the following line of text in the CLI to run the -health command: ddcli -c 1 -health

Sample Output: When the -health command runs, the ddcli utility outputs the following text.

# ddcli -health
 LSI Corporation WarpDrive Management Utility
 Version (2012.06.05)
 Copyright (c) 2011 LSI Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
WarpDrive ELP-4x100-4d-n Health
SSD Drive SMART Data SSD Slot #: 4 Cage : 1 Location : Upper
Warranty Remaining                          : 100 %
Temperature                                 :  38 degree C
SSD Drive SMART Data SSD Slot #: 5 Cage : 1 Location : Lower
Warranty Remaining                          : 100 %
Temperature                                 :  39 degree C
SSD Drive SMART Data SSD Slot #: 6 Cage : 2 Location : Upper
Warranty Remaining                          : 100 %
Temperature                                 :  41 degree C
SSD Drive SMART Data SSD Slot #: 7 Cage : 2 Location : Lower
Warranty Remaining                          : 100 %
Temperature                                 :  41 degree C
Overall Health           : GOOD

The definitions are:

SSD Slot
PCIe slot number in server. Logical disk number assigned as cards are discovered. For example: 0-3 for card ID 1, 4-7 for card ID 2. Refer to the Sun Flash Accelerator F40 PCIe Card Product Notes for supported slots.
Flash stack 1 or 2 on the card.
Upper or lower position in the flash stack.
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