You can save search tests and organize them into folders for easy retrieval. To organize your tests, you create folders in the Search Testing tree. When you save a test, the application asks you which folder you want to save it in. You can reorganize your tests and folders at any time by renaming them or moving them to different locations in the tree. When you move, copy, or delete a folder, any folders or tests it contains are also moved, copied, or deleted.

The Search Testing tree includes the following root-level folders by default:

All other tests or folders must be stored in one of these default folders, which you cannot edit or remove. As the folder names imply, tests and folders in Shared Search Tests are accessible by any Merchandising user, while tests and folders stored in My Search Tests are only accessible by the user account that created them. You can edit, rename, move, or delete a test or folder stored under Shared Search Tests even if you did not create it, but only you can view and make changes to the tests and folders under My Search Tests.

Unlike many assets in Merchandising, search tests are not versioned, which means you can work with them inside or outside of a project. Search tests are independent of any project you might be working in when you create them. For this reason, search tests and search test folders do not appear on the Project tab.

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