Managing ZFS File Systems in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: December 2014

Installing a ZFS Root Pool

Review the following installation methods for installing a ZFS root pool:

  • The Live CD installation method installs a default ZFS root pool on a single disk.

  • The AI installer provides the flexibility of installing a ZFS root pool on the default boot disk or on a target disk that you identify. You can specify the logical device, such as c1t0d0, or the physical device path. In addition, you can use the MPxIO identifier or the device ID for the device to be installed.

  • With the automated installation (AI) method, you can create an AI manifest to identify the disk or mirrored disks for the ZFS root pool. For example, the following keywords in this default manifest snippet installs a mirrored root pool of two disks:

    <disk whole_disk="true" in_zpool="rpool" in_vdev="mirrored">
    <disk_name name="c1t0d0" name_type="ctd"/>
    <disk whole_disk="true" in_zpool="rpool" in_vdev="mirrored">
    <disk_name name="c2t0d0" name_type="ctd"/>
    <zpool name="rpool" is_root="true">
    <vdev name="mirrored" redundancy="mirror"/>

    For example, if you want to set pool properties in the default manifest, you would include the pool_options keywords after the file system keywords but before the be_name keywords, similar to the following:

    <filesystem name="export" mountpoint="/export"/>
    <filesystem name="export/home"/>
    <option name="listsnaps" value="on"/>
    <be name="solaris"/>

    In the above syntax, the listsnaps pool property is enabled on the root pool.

After the installation, review your ZFS storage pool and file system information, which can vary by installation type and customizations. For example:

# zpool status rpool
pool: rpool
state: ONLINE
scan: none requested

rpool       ONLINE       0     0     0
mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
c8t0d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
c8t1d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
# zfs list
NAME                      USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool                    11.8G  55.1G  4.58M  /rpool
rpool/ROOT               3.57G  55.1G    31K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/solaris       3.57G  55.1G  3.40G  /
rpool/ROOT/solaris/var    165M  55.1G   163M  /var
rpool/VARSHARE           42.5K  55.1G  42.5K  /var/share
rpool/dump               6.19G  55.3G  6.00G  -
rpool/export               63K  55.1G    32K  /export
rpool/export/home          31K  55.1G    31K  /export/home
rpool/swap               2.06G  55.2G  2.00G  -

Review your ZFS BE information. For example:

# beadm list
BE      Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
--      ------ ---------- ----- ------ -------
solaris NR     /          3.75G static 2012-07-20 12:10 

In the above output, the Active field indicates whether the BE is active now represented by N and active on reboot represented by R, or both represented by NR.