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Managing Devices in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: November 2020

Managing USB Mass Storage Devices

In Oracle Solaris, USB mass storage devices are hot-pluggable and share the same features as most removable media devices.

A hot-pluggable device is automatically mounted and immediately available in the /media directory. Users can readily access the device. If no automatic mount occurs, you can mount devices manually with the mount command. The following example mounts a disk with the FAT file system:

mount -F pcfs /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s0:c /mnt

USB storage devices are power managed, except those that support LOG SENSE pages. Devices with LOG SENSE pages are typically SCSI drives connected through a USB-to-SCSI bridge device.

    To configure or manage USB storage devices, use the following commands:

  • The rmformat command creates slices or displays all USB devices with their media inserted.

  • The fdisk command partitions a USB device.

    Caution  -  Do not use the format command or the rmformat –F command to physically format a USB drive.

Applications might work differently with USB mass storage devices. For example, some earlier applications might make incorrect assumptions about the size of the media because previously, only smaller devices were removable.

To revert to a previous Oracle Solaris behavior that treated USB mass storage devices as removable media devices, update the /etc/driver/drv/scsa2usb.conf file. For more information, see the scsa2usb(4D) man page.