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Managing Devices in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

Exit Print View

Updated: November 2020

Rules for Input to the format Command

When you use the format command, you need to provide various kinds of information. This section describes the rules for this information. For information about using format's help facility when you specify data, see Getting Help on the format Command.

Specifying Numbers to the format Command

Several places in the format command require number as input. You must either specify the appropriate data or select a number from a list of choices. In either case, the help facility causes format to display the upper and lower limits of the number expected. Simply enter the appropriate number. The number is assumed to be in decimal format unless a base is explicitly specified as part of the number (for example, 0x for hexadecimal).

The following are examples of integer input:

Enter number of passes [2]: 34
Enter number of passes [34] Oxf

Specifying format Command Names

Command names are needed as input whenever the format command displays a menu prompt. You can abbreviate the command names, as long as what you type is sufficient to uniquely identify the command desired.

For example, use p to access the partition menu from the format menu. Then, type p to display the current slice table.

format> p
0      - change `0' partition
1      - change `1' partition
2      - change `2' partition
3      - change `3' partition
4      - change `4' partition
5      - change `5' partition
6      - change `6' partition
7      - change `7' partition
select - select a predefined table
modify - modify a predefined partition table
name   - name the current table
print  - display the current table
label  - write partition map and label to the disk
partition> p

Specifying Disk Names to format Command

At certain points when using the format command, you must name something. In these cases, you are free to specify any string you want for the name. If the name has white space in it, the entire name must be enclosed in double quotation marks ("). Otherwise, only the first word of the name is used.

For example, if you want to identify a specific partition table for a disk, you can use the name subcommand that is available from the partition menu:

partition> name
Enter table name (remember quotes): "new disk3"