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Managing Devices in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: November 2020

Displaying Disk Label Information

To display disk label information, use the prtvtoc command.

# prtvtoc path/device-name

device-name is the raw disk device in the path that you want to examine.

Note -  To use this command, you must have the appropriate administrative rights. Refer to Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.4.

The displayed information varies depending on the current label of the disk. On VTOC-labeled disks, information about tracks and cylinders is included. On EFI-labeled disk, no track or cylinder information is provided.

Example 41  Label Information on a Disk With a VTOC Label
# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c2t3d0s0
* /dev/rdsk/c2t3d0s0 partition map
* Dimensions:
*     512 bytes/sector
*     848 sectors/track
*      24 tracks/cylinder
*   20352 sectors/cylinder
*   14089 cylinders
*   14087 accessible cylinders
* Flags:
*   1: unmountable
*  10: read-only
*                          First     Sector    Last
* Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
0      2    00          0 286698624 286698623
2      5    01          0 286698624 286698623
Example 42  Label Information on a Root Pool Disk With an EFI Label
# prtvtoc /dev/dsk/c7t0d0s1
* /dev/dsk/c7t0d0s1 partition map
* Dimensions:
*     512 bytes/sector
* 156301488 sectors
* 156301421 accessible sectors
* Flags:
*   1: unmountable
*  10: read-only
* Unallocated space:
*       First     Sector    Last
*       Sector     Count    Sector
*          34       222       255
*                          First     Sector    Last
* Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
0     24    00        256    524288    524543
1      4    00     524544 155760527 156285070
8     11    00  156285071     16384 156301454
Example 43  Label Information on a Non-root Pool Disk With an EFI Label
# prtvtoc /dev/dsk/c8t3d0
* /dev/dsk/c8t3d0 partition map
* Dimensions:
*     512 bytes/sector
* 143374738 sectors
* 143374671 accessible sectors
* Flags:
*   1: unmountable
*  10: read-only
* Unallocated space:
*       First     Sector    Last
*       Sector     Count    Sector
*          34       222       255
*                          First     Sector    Last
* Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
0      4    00        256 143358065 143358320
8     11    00  143358321     16384 143374704