Getting Started with Managing Deployments


When connected to the Admin Node Manager server, you can deploy configurations to API Gateway instances running in groups in a domain. In the Policy Studio, the Topology view enables you to edit the configuration of currently running API Gateway instances. You can update the downloaded configuration, and deploy it to the server, where it can be reloaded later. You can deploy modified configuration to multiple API Gateway instances managed by Policy Studio. You can also create groups and API Gateway instances.

The web-based API Gateway Manager enables you to deploy configurations to API Gateway instances running in groups in a domain, to create groups and API Gateway instances, and to manage Admin Users. In this way, Policy Studio and the API Gateway Manager play a key role in an operational Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). These tools enable policy developers and administrators to centrally manage the policies that are enforced at all nodes throughout the network.

Connecting to a Server in the Policy Studio

Before starting Policy Studio, you should first ensure that the Admin Node Manager and the server instance that you wish to connect to have been started. For more details, see Startup Instructions.

When the Policy Studio starts up, click a link to a server to display the Open Connection dialog. You can use this dialog to specify Connection Details (for example, host, port, user name, and password) or to specify Saved Sessions. If you wish to connect to the server using a non-default URL, click Advanced, and enter the URL. The default Admin Node Manager URL is:


Alternatively, you can connect to a server configuration file by clicking the Open File button. For more details on connecting using a server URL, configuration file, or deployment archive, see Connection Details.

[Note] Note

You must connect to the Admin Node Manager server to deploy API Gateway configuration or manage multiple API Gateway instances in your network.

When the connection to the server has been made, the Topology view is displayed. This displays the list of server instances currently managed by the Admin Node Manager in the Policy Studio, and enables you to manage the configuration for server instances.

Editing Server Configuration in the Policy Studio

The Topology view lists all available instances in each group. Double-click an instance name in the list to load its active configuration. Alternatively, right-click an instance name, and select Edit Configuration. The active server configuration is loaded and displayed in the following format: InstanceName [HostName:Port] (for example, test_server []).

When an active server configuration is loaded, its services are displayed under the Listeners node in the Policy Studio tree on the left. Expand one of the top-level nodes in the tree to display additional details (for example, Business Services, External Connections, Resources, Libraries, or Settings).

When editing an active server configuration, you can deploy updates using the Deploy button in the toolbar (alternatively, press F6).

Managing Deployments in the API Gateway Manager

In the web-based API Gateway Manager tool, the TOPOLOGY section on the Dashboard tab enables you to create groups and API Gateway instances, and to deploy configuration. For details on how to access the API Gateway Manager, see the section called “Launching API Gateway Manager”.

The API Service Manager tab in the API Gateway Manager enables you to manage your services and policies online. You must first create your API Service Manager workspace. For more details, see Introduction to API Service Manager. You can then use the API Service Manager to virtualize API services. For more details, see Managing API Services.

Managing Admin Users in the API Gateway Manager

You can add new Admin Users to enable role-based access to the API Gateway configuration managed by the Policy Studio and API Gateway Manager. The default admin user has access to all API Gateway features in the Policy Studio and API Gateway Manager, and can view and modify all API Gateway configurations.

To add or remove Admin Users, click the Settings -> Admin Users tab in the API Gateway Manager. For more details, see Managing Admin Users.

For more details on role-based access, see Configuring Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).

Configuring Policies in the Policy Studio

You can use Policy Studio to manage the configuration of your policies, which can then be deployed to running instances of Oracle API Gateways.

For details on configuring the full range of message filters (for example, for Authentication, Authorization, or Content Filtering), see the Table of Contents for this guide. For details on general configuration topics, see Part 6, “General Configuration”.