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Managing Network Virtualization and Network Resources in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: April 2018

Changing the Default EVB Configuration

By default, you need not change the default EVB configuration. In most cases, you can install EVB and use the default EVB configuration to exchange the information about any VNIC that you configure on the system with the external switch. However, if you want to completely take control and manage EVB configuration on the host and the network, then you can change the default configuration.

When you use the default Oracle Solaris VSI Manager ID, ORACLE_VSIMGR_V1 the system automatically generates the VSI Type ID for the VNICs that you create. Therefore, there is no need to set the datalink properties, such as vsi-typeid and vsi-vers. However, if you are not using the default VSI Manager ID, you must set the datalink properties that are related to EVB by using the dladm set-linkprop command. To set datalink properties that are related to EVB, the external switch must be able to communicate with the system and retrieve properties for a given set of VSI Type ID and VSI Version.

Use the default Oracle VSI Manager ID when using EVB so that the Oracle VSI Manager can automatically generate VSI Type IDs and VSI Version for the VSI profiles of the system.

You can configure the following datalink properties that are related to EVB:

  • vsi-mgrid – Specifies the VSI Manager ID that is set for a physical link or a VNIC. If this property is not set for a VNIC, the default value, ORACLE_VSIMGR_V1, of the underlying physical link is used.

    If you explicitly set the vsi-mgrid property, then you also need to explicitly set the VSI Type ID and VSI Version. In addition, you also need to explicitly configure these properties on the datalinks.

    Note -  In Oracle Solaris, when you manually configure the VSI Manager ID, VSI Type ID, and VSI Version, the corresponding VNIC properties are not automatically configured.
  • vsi-mgrid-enc – Indicates the encoding that is associated with the VSI Manager ID. By default, this property is set to oracle_v1. If you do not want to associate oracle_v1 with the VSI Manager ID, set this property value to none. When you set the value none, also make sure that you configure the VSI Manager ID, VSI Type ID, and VSI Version manually because they will not be automatically generated.

  • vsi-typeid – Specifies a VSI Type ID. A VSI Type ID pairs with a VSI Version to be associated with a VSI profile. This 3-byte value is automatically generated if you use the default values for vsi-mgrid and vsi-mgrid-enc. Otherwise, you must explicitly specify a value for this property.

  • vsi-vers – Specifies a VSI Version. The VSI Version pairs with a VSI Type ID to be associated with a VSI profile. This 1-byte value is automatically generated if you use the default values for vsi-mgrid and vsi-mgrid-enc. Otherwise, you must explicitly specify a value for this property.

You can display EVB-related properties by using the dladm show-linkprop command. You can obtain the effective values of the VNIC-related link properties from their respective EFFECTIVE field values of the properties. For more information, see Example 45, Displaying EVB-Related Datalink Properties on a Physical Link.

For more information about the EVB components, see Exchanging VNIC Information by Using VDP. For more information about EVB, see the evb(7P) man page.

How to Change the Default EVB Configuration

You must configure the vsi-mgrid and vsi-mgrid-enc properties only on the physical link. The other EVB-related properties, such as vsi-typeid and vsi-vers, must be configured on a VNIC.

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

  2. Create a VNIC by using the datalink properties mentioned in the profile database.
    # dladm create-vnic -l datalink -p maxbw=maxbw-value,priority=priority-value VNIC
  3. Set the encoding that is associated with the VSI Manager ID to none on the physical link because you are not using the default Oracle VSI Manager ID.
    # dladm set-linkprop -p vsi-mgrid-enc=none datalink
  4. Set the VSI Manager ID on the physical link with an IPv6 address.
    # dladm set-linkprop -p vsi-mgrid=IPv6-address datalink
  5. Set the VSI Type ID and VSI Version for the VNIC that you have created.
    # dladm set-linkprop -p vsi-typeid=VSI-Type-ID,vsi-vers=VSI-Version VNIC
  6. Verify the properties that are set for the VNIC.
    # dladm show-linkprop VNIC
Example 44  Setting EVB-Related Datalink Properties

The following example shows how to set datalink properties that are related to EVB. This example uses a system with a profile that you can access by using an IPv6 address, IP1.

Assume that the VSI Manager ID, IP1 has the following profiles defined:

  • VSI Type ID: 2

  • VSI Version: 1

  • Datalink properties: maxbw=20, priority=5

  1. Create a VNIC by using the datalink properties mentioned in the profile.

    # dladm create-vnic -l net0 -p maxbw=20,priority=5 vnic1
  2. Set the encoding that is associated with the VSI Manager ID to none on the physical link net0 because you are not using the default Oracle VSI Manager ID.

    # dladm set-linkprop -p vsi-mgrid-enc=none net0
  3. Set the VSI Manager ID on the physical link net0 with the IPv6 address IP1.

    # dladm set-linkprop -p vsi-mgrid=IP1 net0
  4. Set the VSI Type ID and VSI Version for vnic1.

    # dladm set-linkprop -p vsi-typeid=2,vsi-vers=1 vnic1
  5. Verify the properties that are set for vnic1.

    # dladm show-linkprop vnic1
    vnic1    vsi-typeid          rw   2          2           --         --
    vnic1    vsi-vers            rw   1          1           --         --
    vnic1    vsi-mgrid           rw   IP1        IP1         --         --
    vnic1    vsi-mgrid-enc       rw   --         none        oracle_v1  none,oracle_v1

The VDP ASSOC TLV unit for vnic1 contains the following information:

  • VSI Manager ID = IP1

  • VSI Type ID = 2

  • VSI Version = 1

Example 45  Displaying EVB-Related Datalink Properties on a Physical Link

The following example displays EVB-related properties on the physical link.

# dladm show-linkprop -p vsi-mgrid,vsi-mgrid-enc net4
net4     vsi-mgrid           rw   --           --           ::           --
net4     vsi-mgrid-enc       rw   --           --           oracle_v1    none,oracle_v1

The output displays the default configuration of EVB in Oracle Solaris. By using the oracle_v1 encoding, the VSI Type ID and VSI version are automatically generated from the properties that are configured on the VNICs.

Example 46  Displaying EVB-Related Properties on a VNIC

The following example displays EVB-related properties on a VNIC.

# dladm show-linkprop vnic0
vnic0    vsi-typeid             rw   --         94         --         --
vnic0    vsi-vers               rw   --         0          --         --
vnic0    vsi-mgrid              rw   --         ::         --         --
vnic0    vsi-mgrid-enc          rw   --         oracle_v1  oracle_v1  none,oracle_v1

The output displays the effective encoding for vnic0 as oracle_v1. In turn, the EFFECTIVE value for vsi-typeid 94 is automatically generated and effective for vnic0.