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Managing Network Virtualization and Network Resources in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: April 2018

Use Case: Configuring a VXLAN Over a Link Aggregation

    The following use case shows how to accomplish the following:

  • Create a DLMP aggregation

  • Configure an IP address over the aggregation

  • Create two VXLANs over the aggregation

  • Configure two zones with VXLAN datalinks as the lower links

For information about link aggregation, see Chapter 2, Configuring High Availability by Using Link Aggregations in Managing Network Datalinks in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

The following figure shows VXLAN configuration over a DLMP aggregation.

Figure 10  VXLAN Over a Link Aggregation

image:This figure illustrates configuring VXLANs over DLMP                         aggregation.

When an aggregated port or an external switch fails, VXLAN datalinks over the aggregation continue to exist as long as at least one port and a switch is functional, thereby providing network high availability during failover. For example, if net0 fails, then DLMP aggregation shares the remaining port net1, between VXLAN datalinks. The distribution among the aggregated ports occurs transparently to the user and independently of the external switches connected to the aggregation.

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

  2. Display datalink information to identify the datalinks for aggregation.

    # dladm show-link
    LINK      CLASS     MTU     STATE   OVER
    net0      phys      1500    up      --        
    net1      phys      1500    up      --        
    net2      phys      1500    up      --
  3. Ensure that the datalinks that you want aggregate do not have IP interfaces configured over the link. Delete the interface if any interface is configured on any of the links.

    # ipadm show-if
    IFNAME       CLASS        STATE     ACTIVE     OVER
    lo0          loopback     ok        yes        --
    net0         ip           ok        no         --
    # ipadm delete-ip net0
  4. Create a DLMP aggregation with the links net0 and net1.

    # dladm create-aggr -m dlmp -l net0 -l net1 dlmp0
  5. Configure an IP interface on top of the aggregation dlmp0.

    # ipadm create-ip dlmp0
    # ipadm create-addr -T static -a local= dlmp0/v4
  6. Create two VXLANs by specifying the IP address that is configured over the aggregation and also specify the VNI, which is the network identifier of the VXLAN segment.

    # dladm create-vxlan -p addr=,vni=20 vxlan20
    # dladm create-vxlan -p addr=,vni=60 vxlan60

    Both VNIs are configured with the default multicast address.

  7. Configure the zone VM1 with the VXLAN datalink vxlan20 as the lower-link.

    global# zonecfg -z VM1 
    zonecfg:VM1> add anet
    zonecfg:VM1:net> set linkname=net0
    zonecfg:VM1:net> set lower-link=vxlan20
    zonecfg:VM1:net> end
    zonecfg:VM1> verify
    zonecfg:VM1> commit
    zonecfg:VM1> exit
    global# zoneadm -z VM1 reboot
  8. Configure the zone VM2 with the VXLAN datalink vxlan60 as the lower-link.

    global# zonecfg -z VM2 
    zonecfg:VM2> add anet
    zonecfg:VM2:net> set linkname=net0
    zonecfg:VM2:net> set lower-link=vxlan60
    zonecfg:VM2:net> end
    zonecfg:VM2> verify
    zonecfg:VM2> commit
    zonecfg:VM2> exit
    global# zoneadm -z VM2 reboot

The net0 and net1 datalinks are aggregated into DLMP aggregation, dlmp0 and an IP address is configured for the aggregation. The VXLANs, vxlan20 and vxlan60 are created over the specified IP address, which is configured for the aggregation. The VXLAN, vxlan20 is created in the VXLAN segment 20 and the VXLAN, vxlan60 is created in the VXLAN segment 60. The zone VM1 is configured with the VXLAN datalink, vxlan20 as the lower link and the zone VM2 is configured with the VXLAN datalink, vxlan60 as the lower link.