During the store visit, the shopper can request help and also cancel that request. This request is sent to the in store associate using ASA. The help request is completed with a form in the CRS-IUA client which is sent to the server using a REST API call. The REST API call includes a Map of parameters from the UI form, including the shopper’s name. ASA listens for the help request and help cancel messages to track these requests for display.

Representing beacons

A physical iBeacon has a representation in the repository to add a display name for the beacon to be used in apps, a list of alerts to display upon entering or exiting a beacon range and the ATG store associated with the iBeacon . The display name, UUID, and store properties are the only properties required. Major, minor and identifiers are optional properties of the physical iBeacon . Therefore it is possible to represent more than one physical iBeacon with a single repository item and vice-versa depending on the customer’s needs. Through the BCC or other means, iBeacon and ibeaconAlert items will need to be added to the repository for the app features to work when an iBeacon is encountered.

iBeacon and iBeaconAlert items are versioned assets available in the management schema for editing via the BCC. They are deployed to production.

LocationRepository extensions that are extended in Mobile and Mobile.International



item-descriptor: ibeacon
table: crs_ibeacon

name:string display-name property (required)

UUID:string iBeacon data (required)

major:string iBeacon data (optional - sometimes used to delineate a store)

minor:string iBeacon data (optional - sometimes used to delineate a department)

Identifier:string iBeacon data (optional - can be used as an app identifier such as com.companyname.appname)

enterAlerts:list<ibeaconAlert> list of notifications for coming into range

exitAlerts:list<ibeaconAlert> list of notifications for going out of range

store:store the ATG store the iBeacon belong to

item-descriptor: iBeaconAlert / table: crs_ibeacon_alert

name:string display-name property (required)

text:string the text to present to the user

textKey: resource key in client (iOS) bundle

linkUrl:string the URL of the action to take on the client

isPushNotification: true if the alert is a push notification in which case the client should wait for the alert to come via push notification to display it.

In Mobile.International the iBeaconAlert item descriptor has the following overrides/additions

And a new item-descriptor is added following the CRS internationalization pattern


The text properties should take precedence over the textKey property. However, the textKey property is available if customers desire not to use the repository to store alert text.

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