Utilisation des services de noms et d'annuaire Oracle® Solaris 11.2 : LDAP

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Mis à jour : Juillet 2014

Création de l'arborescence d'informations d'annuaire

Le tableau suivant répertorie les informations de serveur pour le domaine west.example.com.

Table 4-1  Variables de serveur définies pour le domaine west.example.com
Définition d'un réseau d'exemple
Numéro de port sur lequel une instance du serveur d'annuaire est installée
389 (par défaut)
Nom du serveur
myserver (à partir de myserver.west.example.com FDQN ou du nom d'hôte pour
Serveurs de réplique (numéro IP:numéro de port) [pour myreplica.west.example.com]
Gestionnaire d'annuaire
cn=directory manager (par défaut)
Nom de domaine à prendre en charge
Durée maximale (en secondes) pour traiter les demandes des clients avant d'arriver à expiration
Nombre maximal d'entrées renvoyées pour chaque demande de recherche

Le tableau suivant répertorie les informations de profil client.

Table 4-2  Variables de profil client définies pour le domaine example.com
Définition d'un réseau d'exemple
Nom du profil (le nom par défaut est default)
Liste de serveurs (définie par défaut sur le sous-réseau local)
Liste des serveurs préférés (répertoriés en fonction du serveur à essayer en premier, en deuxième, et ainsi de suite)
Etendue de la recherche (nombre de niveaux en aval dans l'arborescence de l'annuaire one, (par défaut) ou sub).
one (valeur par défaut)
Informations d'identification utilisées pour accéder au serveur. La valeur par défaut est anonymous.
Suivre les références (un pointeur vers un autre serveur si le serveur principal n'est pas disponible). La valeur par défaut est no.
Limite de temps de recherche (la valeur par défaut est 30 secondes) pour le renvoi d'informations par le serveur.
Limite de temps de liaison (la valeur par défaut est 10 secondes) pour contacter le serveur.
Méthode d'authentification. La valeur par défaut est none.

Grâce à ces informations, vous pouvez créer l'arborescence d'annuaire.

# usr/lib/ldap/idsconfig
It is strongly recommended that you BACKUP the directory server
before running idsconfig.

Hit Ctrl-C at any time before the final confirmation to exit.

Do you wish to continue with server setup (y/n/h)? [n] y
Enter the JES Directory Server's  hostname to setup: myserver
Enter the port number for DSEE (h=help): [389]
Enter the directory manager DN: [cn=Directory Manager]
Enter passwd for cn=Directory Manager :
Enter the domainname to be served (h=help): [west.example.com]
Enter LDAP Base DN (h=help): [dc=west,dc=example,dc=com]
Checking LDAP Base DN ...
Validating LDAP Base DN and Suffix ...
No valid suffixes were found for Base DN dc=west,dc=example,dc=com
Enter suffix to be created (b=back/h=help): [dc=west,dc=example,dc=com]
Enter ldbm database name (b=back/h=help): [west]
sasl/GSSAPI is not supported by this LDAP server
Enter the profile name (h=help): [default] WestUserProfile
Default server list (h=help): []
Preferred server list (h=help):
Choose desired search scope (one, sub, h=help):  [one]
The following are the supported credential levels:
1  anonymous
2  proxy
3  proxy anonymous
4  self
Choose Credential level [h=help]: [1] 2
The following are the supported Authentication Methods:
1  none
2  simple
3  sasl/DIGEST-MD5
4  tls:simple
5  tls:sasl/DIGEST-MD5
6  sasl/GSSAPI
Choose Authentication Method (h=help): [1] 2
Current authenticationMethod: simple
Do you want to add another Authentication Method? n
Do you want the clients to follow referrals (y/n/h)? [n]
Do you want to modify the server timelimit value (y/n/h)? [n] y
Enter the time limit for DSEE (current=3600): [-1]
Do you want to modify the server sizelimit value (y/n/h)? [n] y
Enter the size limit for DSEE (current=2000): [-1]
Do you want to store passwords in "crypt" format (y/n/h)? [n] y
Do you want to setup a Service Authentication Methods (y/n/h)? [n]
Client search time limit in seconds (h=help): [30]
Profile Time To Live in seconds (h=help): [43200]
Bind time limit in seconds (h=help): [10]
Do you want to enable shadow update (y/n/h)? [n]
Do you wish to setup Service Search Descriptors (y/n/h)? [n]
              Summary of Configuration

 1  Domain to serve               : west.example.com
 2  Base DN to setup              : dc=west,dc=example,dc=com
        Suffix to create          : dc=west,dc=example,dc=com
        Database to create        : west
 3  Profile name to create        : WestUserProfile
 4  Default Server List           :
 5  Preferred Server List         :
 6  Default Search Scope          : one
 7  Credential Level              : proxy
 8  Authentication Method         : simple
 9  Enable Follow Referrals       : FALSE
10  DSEE Time Limit               : -1
11  DSEE Size Limit               : -1
12  Enable crypt password storage : TRUE
13  Service Auth Method pam_ldap  :
14  Service Auth Method keyserv   :
15  Service Auth Method passwd-cmd:
16  Search Time Limit             : 30
17  Profile Time to Live          : 43200
18  Bind Limit                    : 10
19  Enable shadow update          : FALSE
20  Service Search Descriptors Menu
Enter config value to change: (1-20 0=commit changes) [0]
Enter DN for proxy agent: [cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com]
Enter passwd for proxyagent:
Re-enter passwd:

WARNING: About to start committing changes. (y=continue, n=EXIT) y
 1. Changed timelimit to -1 in cn=config.
 2. Changed sizelimit to -1 in cn=config.
 3. Changed passwordstoragescheme to "crypt" in cn=config.
 4. Schema attributes have been updated.
 5. Schema objectclass definitions have been added.
 6. Database west successfully created.
 7. Suffix dc=west,dc=example,dc=com successfully created.
 8. NisDomainObject added to dc=west,dc=example,dc=com.
 9. Top level "ou" containers complete.
10. automount maps: auto_home auto_direct auto_master auto_shared processed.
11. ACI for dc=west,dc=example,dc=com modified to disable self modify.
12. Add of VLV Access Control Information (ACI).
13. Proxy Agent cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com added.
14. Give cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com read permission
for password.
15. Generated client profile and loaded on server.
16. Processing eq,pres indexes:
uidNumber (eq,pres)   Finished indexing.
ipNetworkNumber (eq,pres)   Finished indexing.
gidnumber (eq,pres)   Finished indexing.
oncrpcnumber (eq,pres)   Finished indexing.
automountKey (eq,pres)   Finished indexing.
17. Processing eq,pres,sub indexes:
ipHostNumber (eq,pres,sub)   Finished indexing.
membernisnetgroup (eq,pres,sub)   Finished indexing.
nisnetgrouptriple (eq,pres,sub)   Finished indexing.
18. Processing VLV indexes:
west.example.com.getgrent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.gethostent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getnetent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getpwent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getrpcent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getspent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getauhoent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getsoluent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getauduent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getauthent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getexecent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getprofent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getmailent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getbootent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getethent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getngrpent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getipnent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getmaskent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getprent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getip4ent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getip6ent vlv_index   Entry created

idsconfig: Setup of DSEE server myserver is complete.

Note: idsconfig has created entries for VLV indexes.

For DS5.x, use the directoryserver(1m) script on myserver
to stop the server.  Then, using directoryserver, follow the
directoryserver examples below to create the actual VLV indexes.

For DSEE6.x, use dsadm command delivered with DS on myserver
to stop the server.  Then, using dsadm, follow the
dsadm examples below to create the actual VLV indexes.

Les écrans suivants contiennent des instructions supplémentaires qui visent à vous aider à terminer la configuration de idsconfig.

directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getgrent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.gethostent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getnetent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getpwent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getrpcent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getspent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getauhoent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getsoluent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getauduent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getauthent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getexecent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getprofent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getmailent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getbootent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getethent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getngrpent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getipnent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getmaskent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getprent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getip4ent
directoryserver -s <server-instance> vlvindex -n west -T west.example.com.getip6ent
install-path/bin/dsadm reindex -l -t west.example.com.getgrent \
directory-instance-path dc=west,dc=example,dc=com
install-path/bin/dsadm reindex -l -t west.example.com.gethostent \
directory-instance-path dc=west,dc=example,dc=com
install-path/bin/dsadm reindex -l -t west.example.com.getip6ent \
directory-instance-path dc=west,dc=example,dc=com

Vous pouvez utiliser l'utilitaire idsconfig pour activer la mise à jour shadow lors de la construction du DIT pour un nouveau profil. Pour activer une mise à jour shadow, vous devez saisir y lorsque le message suivant vous y invite Souhaitez-vous activer la mise à jour shadow (y/n/h) ? [n]. Saisissez le mot de passe de l'administrateur lorsque le message suivant vous y invite Saisir le mot de passe de l'administrateur :.

L'exemple suivant montre comment activer une mise à jour shadow à l'aide de l'utilitaire idsconfig.

# usr/lib/ldap/idsconfig
It is strongly recommended that you BACKUP the directory server
before running idsconfig.

Hit Ctrl-C at any time before the final confirmation to exit.

Do you wish to continue with server setup (y/n/h)? [n] y
Enter the JES Directory Server's  hostname to setup: myserver
Enter the port number for DSEE (h=help): [389]
Enter the directory manager DN: [cn=Directory Manager]
Enter passwd for cn=Directory Manager :
Enter the domainname to be served (h=help): [west.example.com]
Enter LDAP Base DN (h=help): [dc=west,dc=example,dc=com]
Checking LDAP Base DN ...
Validating LDAP Base DN and Suffix ...
No valid suffixes were found for Base DN dc=west,dc=example,dc=com
Enter suffix to be created (b=back/h=help): [dc=west,dc=example,dc=com]
Enter ldbm database name (b=back/h=help): [west]
sasl/GSSAPI is not supported by this LDAP server
Enter the profile name (h=help): [default] WestUserProfile
Default server list (h=help): []
Preferred server list (h=help):
Choose desired search scope (one, sub, h=help):  [one]
The following are the supported credential levels:
1  anonymous
2  proxy
3  proxy anonymous
4  self
Choose Credential level [h=help]: [1] 2
The following are the supported Authentication Methods:
1  none
2  simple
3  sasl/DIGEST-MD5
4  tls:simple
5  tls:sasl/DIGEST-MD5
6  sasl/GSSAPI
Choose Authentication Method (h=help): [1] 2
Current authenticationMethod: simple
Do you want to add another Authentication Method? n
Do you want the clients to follow referrals (y/n/h)? [n]
Do you want to modify the server timelimit value (y/n/h)? [n] y
Enter the time limit for DSEE (current=3600): [-1]
Do you want to modify the server sizelimit value (y/n/h)? [n] y
Enter the size limit for DSEE (current=2000): [-1]
Do you want to store passwords in "crypt" format (y/n/h)? [n] y
Do you want to setup a Service Authentication Methods (y/n/h)? [n]
Client search time limit in seconds (h=help): [30]
Profile Time To Live in seconds (h=help): [43200]
Bind time limit in seconds (h=help): [10]
Do you want to enable shadow update (y/n/h)? [n] y
Do you wish to setup Service Search Descriptors (y/n/h)? [n]
             Summary of Configuration

 1  Domain to serve               : west.example.com
 2  Base DN to setup              : dc=west,dc=example,dc=com
        Suffix to create          : dc=west,dc=example,dc=com
        Database to create        : west
 3  Profile name to create        : WestUserProfile
 4  Default Server List           :
 5  Preferred Server List         :
 6  Default Search Scope          : one
 7  Credential Level              : proxy
 8  Authentication Method         : simple
 9  Enable Follow Referrals       : FALSE
10  DSEE Time Limit               : -1
11  DSEE Size Limit               : -1
12  Enable crypt password storage : TRUE
13  Service Auth Method pam_ldap  :
14  Service Auth Method keyserv   :
15  Service Auth Method passwd-cmd:
16  Search Time Limit             : 30
17  Profile Time to Live          : 43200
18  Bind Limit                    : 10
19  Enable shadow update          : TRUE
20  Service Search Descriptors Menu
Enter config value to change: (1-20 0=commit changes) [0]
Enter DN for proxy agent: [cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com]
Enter passwd for proxyagent:proxy-password
Re-enter passwd:proxy-password
Enter DN for the administrator: [cn=admin,ou=profile,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com]
Enter passwd for the administrator:admin-password
Re-enter passwd:admin-password
WARNING: About to start committing changes. (y=continue, n=EXIT) y
 1. Changed timelimit to -1 in cn=config.
 2. Changed sizelimit to -1 in cn=config.
 3. Changed passwordstoragescheme to "crypt" in cn=config.
 4. Schema attributes have been updated.
 5. Schema objectclass definitions have been added.
 6. Database west successfully created.
 7. Suffix dc=west,dc=example,dc=com successfully created.
 8. NisDomainObject added to dc=west,dc=example,dc=com.
 9. Top level "ou" containers complete.
10. automount maps: auto_home auto_direct auto_master auto_shared processed.
11. ACI for dc=west,dc=example,dc=com modified to disable self modify.
12. Add of VLV Access Control Information (ACI).
13. Proxy Agent cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com added.
14. Administrator identity cn=admin,ou=profile,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com added.
15. Give cn=admin,ou=profile,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com read/write access to\
    shadow data.
16. Non-Admin access to shadow data denied.
17. Generated client profile and loaded on server.
18. Processing eq,pres indexes:
uidNumber (eq,pres)   Finished indexing.
ipNetworkNumber (eq,pres)   Finished indexing.
gidnumber (eq,pres)   Finished indexing.
oncrpcnumber (eq,pres)   Finished indexing.
automountKey (eq,pres)   Finished indexing.
19. Processing eq,pres,sub indexes:
ipHostNumber (eq,pres,sub)   Finished indexing.
membernisnetgroup (eq,pres,sub)   Finished indexing.
nisnetgrouptriple (eq,pres,sub)   Finished indexing.
20. Processing VLV indexes:
west.example.com.getgrent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.gethostent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getnetent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getpwent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getrpcent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getspent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getauhoent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getsoluent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getauduent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getauthent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getexecent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getprofent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getmailent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getbootent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getethent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getngrpent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getipnent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getmaskent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getprent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getip4ent vlv_index   Entry created
west.example.com.getip6ent vlv_index   Entry created

idsconfig: Setup of DSEE server myserver is complete.

Note: idsconfig has created entries for VLV indexes.

For DS5.x, use the directoryserver(1m) script on myserver
to stop the server.  Then, using directoryserver, follow the
directoryserver examples below to create the actual VLV indexes.

For DSEE6.x, use dsadm command delivered with DS on myserver
to stop the server.  Then, using dsadm, follow the
dsadm examples below to create the actual VLV indexes.

Pour plus d'informations sur la procédure d'initialisation du client LDAP pour activer une mise à jour shadow, reportez-vous à la section Initialisation d'un client LDAP. Lors de l'initialisation d'un client LDAP, vous devez utiliser le même DN et mot de passe pour l'administrateur que vous avez fourni lors de la construction du DIT.