
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  I  J  K  M  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


See Automatic accounting instructions
billing, 3.2
revenue recognition and billing, 14.1
Account derivation rules, 17.1.1, 20.1
Account Derivation form (P48126), 20.2.4
adding component codes, 20.3
equipment numbers, 20.2.5
journal entries, 20.2.5
key types, 20.2.2
percentage allocations, 20.3.1
setting up default, 20.2.5
table keys, 20.2.2
table types, 20.2.1
types of, 20.2.3
Account Ledger, 1.4.1
Account Master
general accounting, 1.4.1
Accounts Receivable system, 1.4.7
Actual burden
billing, 5.2.3
Ad hoc transaction
adding to an invoice, 10.4
removing from invoice, 10.4.1
Ad hoc transactions
billing, 10.4
Ad hoc workfile transaction
entering, 6, 6.5
Address Book system, 1.4.8
Amounts/Units Information form (P4812W1), 5.4
A/R entry
billing, 12.1
Create A/R and G/L Entries, 12.4
creating final, 12, 12.4
creating preliminary, 12, 12.2
re, 12
reviewing and posting, 12, 12.5, 12.6
voiding invoices, 13, 13.4
Automatic accounting instructions, 17.1.1
setting up, 25.1


Base rules, 20.2.3
deleting, 9.2.1
retainage invoices, 10.6.1
revising a batch header, 9.2.1
Batch header
creating manually, billing, 10, 10.2, 10.2
Batch Review form (P48221), 9, 9.2, 15.3.1
changing the transaction markup, 6, 6.4
creating invoices manually, 10.1
generate the workfile, 4.1
generating invoices, 8, 8.4
reviewing the workfile, 5.1
Billing Control ID, 6.1.1
billing control ID, 6.1.1
Billing history
reviewing for transactions, 13, 13.2
changing billing status, 6.8.1
moving transactions, 6, 6.8
system constants, 16.1.3
totals for, 5.3.2
transactions, 4.1.2, 5.2
types, 5.2.3


markup, 18.1.3
Comparison value
condition codes, 21.1.3
compound, 19.1.1
creating journals for, 20.3.1
defining rules, 19.1
totals for, 5.3.2
Component Cross Reference form (P4862W), 19.1.3
Component form (P4860), 19.1.2
Component rules, 17.1.1, 19.1
Component transaction
Component Transaction Inquiry form (P4825), 5.2.5
defined, 5.2
reviewing, 5.2.5
Compound markup, 18.1.3
Condition Code Revisions form (P4871), 21.1.2
Condition codes
conditions, 21.1.1
sequencing conditions, 21.1.3
generate the workfile, 4.1
Cost Plus Markup Listing report (P48596), 18.1.6
Create G/L Entries form (P48200), 15.6.1
Currency Code
markup rules, 18.1.1
Customer Number
system constants, 16.1.3
verifying, 5.4
workfile transactions, 4.1.2


Daily Payroll Processing, 5.2.4
Display All
workfile history, 7.3.1


Effective Dates
markup rules, 18.1.1
Eligibility code, 5.2.2
revenue recognition and billing, 4.1.2
Equipment/Plant Management system, 1.4.4


Features, 1.1
billing, 1.1.3
journal processing, 1.1.2
system management, 1.1.4
system setup, 17.1.1
workfile generation, 1.1.1
See Tables
Flat burden
billing, 5.2.3
Account Derivation, 20.2.4
Acctg/Internal control Info, 6.6
Amounts/Units Information, 5.4, 6.4
Batch Review, 9, 9.2, 15.3.1
Batch Selection, 11.3.2
Burden Information, 5.2.3
Component, 19.1.2
Component Cross Reference, 19.1.3
Component Transaction Inquiry, 5.2.5
Condition Code Revisions, 21.1.2
Cost Plus Markup, 18.1.4
Create A/R and G/L Entries, 12.4
Create G/L Entries, 15.6.1
Detail History, 7.3, 13.2
G/L Offset and Retainage, 23.1.1
G/L Transaction Selection, 6.3
G/L Transaction Split, 6.7
Grand Totals, 5.3.1
Inquire Workfile History, 7.2
Inventory Creation, 10.3
Invoice Detail Revisions, 9.2
Invoice Entry Review, 9.2, 9.3, 9.3, 9.3, 9.4, 10.3, 10.4, 10.4, 10.4, 10.5, 11.3.2
Invoice Generation, 8, 8.3
Invoice History Inquiry, 13.4.1
Invoice Journal Generation, 12.2
Invoice Seq/Summ Search, 8.3
Invoice Seq/Summ Setup, 8.3.1
Invoice Void, 13.4.1
Invoice/Batch Extended Text, 6.2
Job/Contract Information, 5.4
Print Invoices, 11.3.2
Revenue Journal Batch Post, 15.6.1
Revisions, 5.2.1
Service Billing Invoice Entry, 9.2, 9.3, 9.3, 9.4, 10.4, 10.4, 10.4, 11.3.2
System Constants, 16.1.2
Transaction Re-Extension, 6.4


General accounting
Account ledger, 1.4.1
account master, 1.4.1
Generating invoices, 8.4
Generation Type
markup rules, 18.1.1
G/L entry
billing, 12.1
Create A/R and G/L Entries, 12.4
creating final, 12, 12.4, 15.6
creating preliminary, 12, 12.2
document types, 14.5, 15.2.1
error batch segregation, 15.2.1
identifying origin, 14.5
Invoice Journal Generation form (P48200)", 12.2
reviewing and posting, 12, 12, 12.5, 12.6, 15.7
reviewing preliminary entries, 12, 12.3
voiding invoices, 13, 13.4
G/L offset
assigning, 23.1.2
defining, 23.1
G/L Offset & Retainage form (P48128), 23.1.1
G/L Offset, 8.2.1
G/L offset rules, 17.1.1
G/L transaction
adding existing, billing, 6, 6.3, 10.4
Amounts/Units Information form (P4812W1), 6.4
audit trail, 6.3.1
G/L Transaction Selection form (P48124), 6.3
G/L Transaction Split form (P48125), 6.7
Transaction Re-Extension form (V481203), 6.4


adding transactions, billing, 10, 10, 10.4, 10.5
A/R and G/L entries, billing, 12.1
assigning numbers, 8.2
assigning retainage information, 9.4.1
calculating retainage amounts, 9, 9.4
creating automatically, 8.2
creating final journal entries, 8.1.5
creating manually, billing, 10, 10.1, 10.3
creating preliminary, 8.4.3
decreasing amounts, 9, 9.3
deleting, 9.3
Detail History form (P48250), 13.2
final, 13, 13.1
generating for billing, 8, 8.4
generating preliminary journal entries, 8.1.4
generation selections, 8.3.1, 8.4.3
G/L offset and retainage information, 23.1.2
Invoice Detail Revisions form (P4814), 9.2
Invoice Entry Review form (P48222), 9.2, 9.3, 9.3, 9.3, 9.4, 10.3, 10.4, 10.4, 10.4, 10.5, 11.3.2
invoice generation, 8.1.1
Invoice Generation form (P48121), 8, 8.3
Invoice History Inquiry form (P48250), 13.4.1
Invoice Seq/Summ Search form (P48051), 8.3
Invoice Seq/Summ Setup form (P4805), 8.3.1
Invoice Void form (P48VW), 13.4.1
level, 8.3
maintaining invoice information, 8.1.3
pay item level, 8.3
posting invoices to G/L, 8.1.6
Print Invoices form (P48200), 11.3.2
printing draft invoices, 8.1.2
printing for billing, 11.1
printing from history, 13, 13.3
printing invoices, 8.1.7
running Invoice Generation for billing, 8.2
Service Billing Invoice Entry form (P4822), 9.2, 9.3, 9.3, 9.4, 10.4, 10.4, 10.4, 11.3.2
understanding invoice generation, 8.1
voiding final, 13, 13.4
working with, 9, 9.1
Invoice Layouts
from multiple batches, 13.3.1
Invoice Types
from multiple batches, 13.3.1


Job Cost system, 1.4.6
Job/Contract Information form (P4812W2), 5.4
Journal entry
posting, 12, 12, 12.5, 12.6
See A/R entry
See G/L entry
Journal Generation
billing, 12.2
override dates, 12.2
Journal processing, 1.1.2
Journal reviewing, 15.3.2


Key Type
account derivation rules, 20.2.2
markup rules, 18.1.1


Major key, 18.1
Markup rules, 17.1.1
calculations, 18.1.3
compound markup, 18.1.3
Cost Plus Markup form (P48096), 18.1.4
default, 18.1.5
defining, 18.1
major key, 18.1
minor key, 18.1.1
rate cap, 18.1.5
source transactions, 18.1.5
Minor key, 18.1.1
Moving a transaction out of history, 7.3


general accounting, 1.4.1
payroll and time accounting, 1.4.3
system features, 1.1
system integration, 1.4
tables, 1.3
using Service Billing system, 1


Parent sequence number, 6.1.1
Pay Item
decreasing an amount, 9.3
deleting, 9.3
Payment Terms, 8.2.1
Payroll, 1.4.3
Payroll transaction
changing, 4.1.2
Percentage reallocations, 20.3.1
Printing Component Rules, 19.1.5
Printing invoices
automatic method, defined, 11.1
automatically for billing, 11, 11.2
billing, 11.1
choosing invoice types, billing, 11.1.1
from multiple batches, 13.3.1
invoice layouts, 11.1.1
invoice types, billing, 11.3.3
manual method, defined, 11.1
manually for billing, 11, 11.3
Print Invoices form (P48200), 11.3.2
selected invoices in a batch, 11.3.2
Printing selected invoices in a batch
from multiple batches, 13.3.1
Printing Tax Derivation Rules, 24.1.3
Printing workfile transactions, 6, 6.9
Programs and IDs
P40200 (Create A/R and G/L Entries), 12.4
P4805 (Invoice Seq/Summ Setup), 8.3.1
P48051 (Invoice Seq/Summ Search), 8.3
P48091 (System Constants), 16.1.2
P48096 (Cost Plus Markup), 18.1.4
P4812 (Revisions), 5.2.1
P48121 (Invoice Generation), 8, 8.3
P48124 (G/L Transaction Selection), 6.3
P48125 (G/L Transaction Split), 6.7
P48126 (Account Derivation), 20.2.4
P48128 (G/L Offset & Retainage), 23.1.1
P4812H (Detail History), 7.3
P4812W1 (Amounts/Units Information), 5.4, 6.4
P4812W2 (Job/Contract Information), 5.4
P4812W4 (Acctg/Internal Control Info), 6.6
P4813 (Invoice/Batch Extended Text), 6.2
P48132 (Revenue Journal Generation - Job), 12.6.2
P4814 (Invoice Detail Revisions), 9.2
P48200 (Create G/L Entries), 15.6.1
P48200 (Invoice Journal Generation), 12.2
P48200 (Print Invoices), 11.3.2
P48208 (Inquire Workfile History), 7.2
P48221 (Batch Review), 9, 9.2, 15.3.1
P48222 (Invoice Entry Review), 9.2, 9.3, 9.3, 9.3, 9.4, 10.3, 10.4, 10.4, 10.4, 10.5, 11.3.2
P48222 (Service Billing Invoice Entry), 9.2, 9.3, 9.3, 9.4, 10.4, 10.4, 10.4, 11.3.2
P4824 (Burden Information), 5.2.3
P4825 (Component Transaction Inquiry), 5.2.5
P48250 (Detail History), 13.2
P48250 (Invoice History Inquiry), 13.4.1
P48405 (Service Billing Workfile Listing), 6.9.1
P48596 (Cost Plus Markup Listing), 18.1.6
P4860 (Component), 19.1.2
P4862W (Component Cross Reference), 19.1.3
P4871 (Condition Code Revisions), 21.1.2
P48BN (Batch Selection), 11.3.2
P48INV (Inventory Creation), 10.3
P48VW (Invoice Void), 13.4.1
P48W2 (Grand Totals), 5.3.1
V481203 (Transaction Re-Extension), 6.4


Reallocation rules, 20.2.3
Cost Plus Markup Listing, 18.1.6
Invoice Generation, 8.4.2
Service Billing Workfile Listing, 6.9.1
alternated displays, 13.4.1
defining G/L offset and retainage rules, 23.1
release for multiple invoices, 13.4.2
releasing, billing, 10, 10.6
rules, 17.1.1
voiding a final invoice, 13.4.1
Retainage Offset, 8.2.1
invoice billing, 9.4.1
Retainage Percent
calculating amounts, 9, 9.4
Retainage Percentage, 8.2.1
Retrieval reference
condition codes, 21.1.3
Revenue Journal Generation - Job report (P48132), 12.6.2
Revenue recognition
journal reclassification, 14.4
revenue reconciliation, 14.3
Revenue reconciliation
using, 14.3
Rules, 17.1.1
account derivation, 20.1
base, 20.2.3
component, 19.1
conditional reallocation, 20.3.1
defining markup, 18.1
reallocation, 20.2.3
tax derivation, 24.1


See Forms
Secondary sequence number, 6.1.1
Sequence number, 6.1.1
assigning, 8.3.2
Sequencing conditions, 21.1.3
Service Billing Workfile Listing report (P48405), 6.9.1
See System setup
Setup features, 17.1.1
Source transactions, 4.1
Summarization Key - Service Billing
displaying all sequence and summarization keys, 8.3.1
System constants, 17.1.1
billing burden, 16.1.3
setup, 16.1
System features
See Features
System integration
Accounts Receivable system, 1.4.7
Address Book system, 1.4.8
Equipment/Plant Management system, 1.4.4
Job Cost system, 1.4.6
overview, 1.4
Payroll system, 1.4.3
Work Orders system, 1.4.5
System management, 1.1.4
System setup
adding component codes to account derivation rules, 20.3
automatic accounting instruction, 25.1
automatic accounting instructions, 17.1.1
defining component rules, 19.1
features, 17.1.1
markup rules, 18.1
system constants, 16.1
System Constants form (P48091), 16.1.2
tax derivation rules, 24.1
user defined codes, 26.1


Table Key
markup rules, 18.1.1
descriptions, 1.3
list of primary, 1.3
overview, 1.3
types for account derivation, 20.2.1
Tax derivation rules, 17.1.1, 24.1
Time accounting, 1.4.3
Transaction Markup
changing, 6, 6.4
adding to an invoice, billing, 10, 10, 10.4, 10.5
changing source and payroll, 4.1.2
moving to history, 6, 6.8
reviewing the billing history, 13, 13.2
reviewing totals, 5.3
See Workfile transaction


See User Defined Codes
User defined codes, 17.1.1, 26.1
setting up, 26.1


viewing and posting, 12
Voiding final invoices, 13, 13.4


See Forms
Work Orders system, 1.4.5
Workfile generation
features, 1.1.1
See Workfile transaction
Workfile history
Detail History form (P4812H), 7.3
displaying transactions, 7.3.1
Inquire Workfile History form (P48208), 7.2
moving transactions, 7, 7.3
printing invoices from, 13, 13.3
reactivated transactions, 7.3.1
reviewing transaction revisions, 7.2
See Workfile transaction
working with, 7.1
Workfile revisions
parent sequence number, 6.1.1
secondary sequence number, 6.1.1
sequence number, 6.1.1
Workfile transaction
Acct/Internal Control Info form (P4812W4), 6.6
adding text, 6, 6.2
adding transactions to the workfile, 6.1.2
alternate formats, 5.3.1
Burden Information form (P4824), 5.2.3
changing amounts for, 6.4.1
changing the discount, 6.4.1
changing the transaction markup, 6, 6.4
cost transactions in the G/L, 6.1.2
defined, 5.2
deleting text, 6.2.1
formatting text, 6.2.1
G/L Transaction Split form (P48125), 6.7
Grand Totals form (P48TW2), 5.3.1
hold status, 6, 6.6
identifying taxable transactions, 6.4.1
inserting a blank line, 6.2.1
Invoice/Batch Extended Text form (P4813), 6.2
locating transactions, 5.2
printing, 6, 6.9
related transactions, 6.6.1
remembering lines of text, 6.2.1
reviewing the workfile, 5.1
reviewing totals for billing, 5.3
revised transactions, 6.1.2
revising, 6.1
Revisions form (P4812), 5.2.1
See Transactions
splitting, 6, 6.7
updating, 6.4.1
workfile history, 7.1
Workfile transactions
for billing, 1.1.1
Working with G/L entries, 15.1
Working with the workfile history, 7.1