Export API Gateway configuration


You can export API Gateway configuration data by right-clicking a Policy Studio tree node (for example, policy or policy container), and selecting the relevant export menu option (for example, Export Policy). The configuration is exported to an XML file, which you can then import into a different API Gateway configuration. For example, this is useful in a development environment if you wish to share and test configuration with other developers. By exporting configuration data from one API Gateway installation, and importing into another API Gateway installation, you can effectively share your API Gateway configuration in a development environment. This also enables you to manage differences and references between configuration components.

For details on importing configuration data, see Import API Gateway configuration.

[Note] Note

For details on migrating API Gateway configuration between development, testing, and production environments, see the Deployment and Promotion Guide.

What is exported

You can export API Gateway configuration items by right-clicking a node in the Policy Studio tree. For example, this includes the following Policy Studio tree nodes:

  • Policies

  • Policy containers

  • Schemas

  • Alerts

  • Caches

  • Regular expressions (White List)

  • Attacks (Black List)

  • Users

  • Certificates

  • Relative paths

  • Remote hosts

  • Database connections

In addition, you can also export configuration items that are associated with the selected tree node. For example, this includes referenced policies, MIME types, regular expressions, schemas, and remote hosts. For details on exporting additional configuration items, see the next section.

Export configuration items

To export API Gateway configuration items, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click a Policy Studio tree node (for example, policy or policy container), and select the relevant menu option (for example, Export Policy).

  2. The first screen in the export wizard is a read-only screen that displays the configuration items to be exported. The Exporting tree displays the selected tree node (in this case, policy), which is exported by default. The following configuration items will also be exported tree includes additional referenced items that are also exported by default along with the policy (for example, MIME types, regular expressions, and schemas).

  3. You can click Finish if this selection suits your requirements. Otherwise, click Next to refine the selection.

  4. In the next screen, you can select optional configuration items for export. The Additional configuration items that may be exported tree on the left includes dependent items that are not exported by default. For example, these include the following:

    • Outbound references: configuration items directly referenced out from the export set to other configuration stores (for example, Certificates, Users, or External Connections).

    • Inbound references: configuration items in other configuration stores that directly reference items in the export set.

    • Associated configuration directly related to the export set (for example, remote hosts or relative paths).

  5. To add an item for export, select it in the Additional configuration that may be exported tree on the left, and click Add.

  6. To remove an item for export, select it in the Additional configuration that will be exported tree on the right, and click Remove.

    [Note] Note

    The original set of items in the Additional configuration that will be exported tree cannot be removed. Only items added from the Additional configuration that may be exported tree can be removed.

  7. By default, items displayed in the Additional configuration that may be exported tree are scoped to direct references to the export set (inbound, outbound, and associated). You can select Display additional configuration that depends on items to be exported to recursively add references to this tree when additional configuration items are added to the export set.

  8. Click OK to export the selected configuration.

Referenced Policies

When exporting a policy or policy container, by default, any policies referenced by the policy are included for export and displayed in the Additional configuration that will be exported list.

Export all API Gateway configuration

To export all API Gateway configuration data, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Export Configuration button in the Policy Studio toolbar.

  2. In the Save As dialog, specify a file name, and click Save to export the entire API Gateway configuration data to a file. This includes all references between configuration components.