Part 3. Web services


Register and secure web services
WSDL and XML schema cache
WSDLs from a UDDI registry
Policy Studio filters
Configure policies from WSDL files
API Gateway as the web service initiator
API Gateway as the web service recipient
Import WSDL summary
Import a WSDL file
Configure a security policy
Configure recipient security settings
Configure initiator security settings
Configure recipient policy filters
Configure initiator policy filters
Edit the recipient or initiator WS-Policy
Configure a recipient WCF WS-Policy
Remove security tokens
Manage web services
Manage web services and groups
Register a web service
Results of registering a web service
Export a web service
Update a web service
Change the operations exposed by a web service
Delete a web service
Use scripts to manage web services
Publish the WSDL
Manage WSDL and XML schema documents
Structure of the global cache
View cached WSDL or XML schema documents
Add XML schemas to the cache
Add WSDL documents to the cache
Update cached WSDL or XML schema documents
Delete cached WSDL or XML schema documents
XML schema and WSDL document validation
XML schema and WSDL document limitations
Version and duplicate management
Validate messages against XML schemas
Test a WSDL for WS-I compliance
Expose a web service as a REST API
Summary of steps
Virtualize a SOAP web service
Define a REST API
Route REST requests through the virtualized SOAP service
Test the REST to SOAP mapping
Connect to a UDDI registry
Configure a registry connection
Secure a connection to a UDDI registry
Retrieve WSDL files from a UDDI registry
UDDI concepts
UDDI definitions
Configure a registry connection
WSDL search
Quick search
Name search
Advanced search
Advanced options
Publish WSDL files to a UDDI registry
Find WSDL files
Publish WSDL files
Step 1: Enter virtualized service address and WSDL URL for publishing in UDDI registry
Step 2: View WSDL to UDDI mapping result
Step 3: Select a registry for publishing
Step 4: Select a duplicate publishing approach
Step 5: Create or search for business
Step 6: Publish WSDL